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I'm done with this life,

Ready to forget.

The horrible things,

That have been torn and left.

I am ready to forget,

The emotions for you.

I can't wait,

To leave my depression.

Have you ever wondered,

The last time I smiled,

The last time I laughed,

Or maybe even had a drop of happiness?

I can't think,

I'm blinded by a suicidal cloud.

Whispering to me:

"Do it, everyone's going to be so proud."

I'm surrounded by paranoia,

Following my fate.

Hearing my words,

Of the monsters hate.

I go towards the knife,

Shiny and jagged.

I keep the last memories,


I have happiness and fear,

Run through my mind.

Breathing unevenly,

Feeling blind.

I close my eyes,

Ready for the kill.

I breathe my last breath,

With happiness and joy.

I can't move,

I can't breathe,

I can't even see,

Or maybe even hear.

This was my deed,

To the world and me.

Better off in the ground,

Right from the beginning,

Where I belonged.

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