What the hell? I don’t even know him. Yuck I was a baby, and he...wanted me? Gross. My body shivered in disgust. I can handle this, “You look so much like your mom, you know. Except your hair,” He told me reaching out to grab me, “But I prefer blonds anyway.” He twirled a lock of my hair. I cringed away from his hand and he laughed deeply, “Don’t worry baby, you’re finally home.” His finger trailed down my cheek to my neck where he traced circles. I clenched my eyes shut but it didn’t stop the tears from coming. I felt so helpless. “Your tears are only a turn on dear.”

  God why? I bit my lip to keep a sob in to keep him from telling me that, that was a turn on as well.

  “Come on now dear, don’t hold your emotions in.” He taunted his finger trailing back up my jaw to my lips where he ran it over my bottom lip. “Princess?”

  I shuttered. If a person could die from feeling so much disgust running through their body, I would have kicked the bucket a long time ago. Can’t he stop? “Darling,” he breathed on my face making me roll my lip back into my mouth keeping my eyes shut tightly. He chuckled and I felt him back away from me. I opened my eyes instantly and before I could sigh a breath of relief I noticed he was caressing Claire’s face.

  I growled anger all of a sudden the only emotion I had, the worry and disgust only fueled the anger more. “There, there baby,” he laughed taking his hand away from Claire, “That was the reaction I was looking for. You just want me all to yourself don’t you?”

  I growled stepping closer to the fucking smirking ‘man’ in front of me. “Don’t. Touch. Her.”

“Calm down baby.” He held up his hands in defense, “I only want you.”

  I growled and pinned him against the wall my hand clasped around his throat tightly, where was this coming from? I didn’t really care at the moment I just wanted to hurt him before it left me. “I don’t nor will I ever fucking want you. Stay away from Me. And I NEVER want you to touch, look at, or even think about Claire. Understood.” I emphasized never and he smirked when my hand began loosening on his neck. My eyes widened, the strength that came suddenly was leaving me.

The guy switched positions so he had me pinned to the wall, his hand around my neck tightly looking quite smug as he cracked his neck leaning in to whisper in my ear. “You are sexy as hell when you’re angry.” He growled, “I wanted you so much. What do say?”

“Fuck off.” I growled back at him.

  “Ginny.” He groaned. Shit. Shit. HELP! He picked me up throwing me over his shoulder as he walked up the stairs.

  “Stop. Please. No!” I struggled, hitting his back and kicking. “Let. Me. GO!” I screamed making him chuckle as he threw open the door to the upstairs. “Help! Please help me!” I pleading to the dozens of people who were sitting in the large living room. They all threw me sympathetic looks but none of them helped.

  The guy, I’m guessing was Jacob, spoke up cheerily, “No one interrupt us. We're going to be busy for a while.”

  “No!” I screamed as everyone divered their eyes away from us. No, he gave them an order. This was most definitely Jacob, only Alphas could give orders this strong.

  Jacob threw me on the bed, grabbing some silver binding he tied them around my wrist, pinning me to the bed. “Please. Please don’t do this.” I sobbed pleading with him. He smirked crawling over me. He ripped my shirt off, “Please don’t.” My voice hopeless.

  “You’re going to love it darling.” He muttered softly in my ear before nibbling on my ear.

  I screamed in pain as it felt like knives where slicing my body which only turned him on more by the way he hungrily kissed my neck. Screams brought me back to what was happening and I realized that something was happening and I hoped it was Wes coming to save me from this monster. He didn’t seem to notice the screams though and I shuddered when I felt his teeth brush over the soft spot on my neck reserved for the mark of my mate.

  “Help!” I screamed loudly wishing with all my heart that Wes had impeccable timing to come and save me.  My scream became louder when I felt his teeth slowly sinking into my skin, taking his time.

  The door opened with a bang making Jacob quickly retract his teeth out of my neck and turned to look at who interrupted us. My heart fluttered as I blinked away the tears to see Wes growling angrily at the guy on top of me his body shaking. “Get the hell off her.”

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