Chapter 16

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Not long, but I hope you like it! :)

Ginny’s POV

    “Go check on the captives, Nico make sure they’re writhing in pain. Alpha Jacob will be here soon.” A voice sounded from above us as the door opened to the down stairs. It was obvious sound proof so I wasn’t expecting it. I froze slightly my arms wrapped around a sleeping Claire and Percy. Shit what do I do now? I freaked out as the loud footsteps made there way down the stairs making as much noise as possible.

  I gently placed Claire and Percy in the middle of the room asleep, hiding their hands behind their backs and their feet together, just like before. I laid down next to them and forced tears to come from my eyes just as the door scrapped the cement, opening slightly.

The guy, or should I say boy, looked around ten, his blond hair sticking up in places as it shagged onto his bloody and bruised face. I gasped in shock, God what did they do to him. I was guessing this was Nico, I sat up slowly never taking my eyes off him. He looked so scared I wanted to reach out and give this poor kid a hug.

  “Ginny?” Claire whispered as she too sat up, rubbing her eyes. Nico’s eyes just about popped out of his head, staring at her. At first as I worried about the fact that Claire didn’t have her silver bindings on and I braced myself for Nico to retreat back and inform the people upstairs about it. But he didn’t, he just stared at Claire, totally not even noticing that we weren’t captive. Oh no! Nico and Claire are.... But how? No. I thought...I mean I hoped that her mate was my brother Caden. Stupid right. But the look on his face when he saw Claire hurt burned in my mind. How could this be happening? “Who are you?” Claire asked Nico her eyes wide as well.

  “I’m Ryan- I-I mean Nico. Nico.” He stuttered not taking his eyes off Claire looking worried that she noticed his slip. Luckily she was too engrossed at staring at him to not notice, but I did. Ryan was his real name? Then why did he change it to Nico? My mind flashed to Caden, his name was changed too? What is going on? “And you are?”

Claire looked worried for a minute looking over at me before turning her attention back to Ryan. “Clarissa.” She whispered.

“’’re beautiful.” He mumbled. I wanted to aww so bad he was so cute but the door to the upstairs opened roughly.

“Nico? You alright? Any problems down there?” A husky voice gruffled as he feet slammed down on the stairs.

  “No! No sir.” He yelled up the stairs his eyes wide with fear as gave one last glance back to Claire before shutting the door tightly and running back up the stairs.

  “Then what the hell took you so long?” The guy growled, there was a smack of flesh and Claire and I both winced. “Get the hell upstairs.” The guy told him shutting the door tightly so we could hear anything anymore.

Wait. Alpha Jacob? As in Caden’s Jacob? Our Uncle Jacob? Oh no if this was the same Jacob we were screwed to no end. Caden said he wanted revenge. Revenge for what? He killed my parents! I growled loudly and the door flew open. I jumped in fear when a dark figure stood in the doorway, his chuckle making me shake violently.

“Ever since your mom had you,” The voice began stepping closer to us and into the light where I could dimly see him. He had crazy, wild black hair that was everywhere around his head. He had shocking green eyes the even in the dim light shone bright with a crazy glint, his nose was crookedly set into place like it was broken once too many times, he had a scar that ran from his left eye down his neck with smaller scratches covering his face. He had an unruly amount of facial hair that added to his crazy look. I gasped as he moved closer to me a smirk playing on his lips sending a wave a wave of disgust through me. “I’ve wanted you.”

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