Chapter 3

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I sighed at the top of the stairs. Did I really think my mate would want me? Yeah I did, silly me. I felt tingles on my arms as the pressure in my head built up. My heart pounded in my chest heavily as the realization set in. I was going to be alone forever, no one to love me. No one to care. My fingers twitched, clawing at my skin to release the pressure. I curled my hand into a tight fist as I made my way to my room. As soon as I twisted the knob I was pulled back by the shoulders slamming into the opposite wall.

   “I told you to watch yourself.” a feminine voice growled. I looked up and instantly remembered her warning she so graciously announced. “Were going to see the Alpha. He’ll take care of you.” She hissed grabbing my arm that just so happened to heal after the incident in the lunchroom.

    I followed after her so she didn’t have to pull me, she was going to get her way whether I cooperated or not. She knocked on the door twice, “Come in.” the Alpha called from behind the door. The girl smiled at me before pushing the door open and shoving me in first. “Lindsey? What do need?”

  “I have a problem, Alpha.” Lindsey, told him in a sickly sweet voice. “Slave girl upset me and I didn’t even have time to eat lunch.” She faked sadness. She had plenty of time to ‘eat’ her water but I didn’t voice my opinion, they wouldn’t listen and I’d only get into more trouble in the end anyway.

   “Did she now?” he raised a sinister eyebrow at me. I bowed my head out of respect and held my fingers tightly together to keep from twitching.

    “Yes Alpha.” She nodded.

   “Ginevra?” The Alpha asked and I looked up to meet his eyes, “Is this true?”

    I looked over at Lindsey and she glared at me oh God, I took a deep breath and bowed once again before whispering, “Yes Alpha.”

   “Very well,” He sighed, “Lindsey you may leave her here with me.” He gestured to the door. She shot me a smirk before closing the door to the office. As soon as the door clicked I was up against the wall, the Alpha’s strong fingers wrapped around my neck. I tried to even my breathing, but it was no use he only gripped harder.

   “Why do you piss off at least one person every day?” He growled throwing my head back into the wall. “Huh? Do you like being beaten? Do you like being noticed by the Alpha, is that it? Are you an attention seeking whore?”

  I shook my head, “P-ple-ea-s-se.” I gasped and he growled but loosened his grip a little.

“You should have died, not your parents.” he sighed completely letting me go and I crumbled onto the ground. He of course, was right. I should have died that day not them, if I could go back in time and change it I would in a heartbeat. “I don’t feel like beating you today. Wesley’s home and he only reminds me so much of my best friend.” Yes, he was my dad’s best friend. You not only killed your dad, mother, and brother, but you killed the Alpha’s best friend. Not to mention the Luna’s. Tears slipped down my face as I thought of them again, making my fingers trumble. “Get out!” he roared turning to me. I quickly scrambled to my feet and ran out the door shutting it softly behind me.

I peaked into Claire and Percy’s room and found them fast asleep. I kissed their foreheads one last time before I made my way to my room. I opened the door and sitting on the steps that lead up to my bedroom was a stack of books and papers telling me what assignments that I need to get finished for tomorrow. I grabbed the stack of books and trudged up the steep steps slowly as to not trip and fall. The pressure in my head began to build even more now that I was alone in my box sized room. I turned on the little lamp by my bedside that lit the lit up the whole room. I sat on the bed and worked on the first thing on the giant stack. Blaze Thomas wrote his name neatly on the top of the page outlining the assignment I was meant to do. I sighed at one thirty when I finally finished every little piece of homework for the pack. I brought it down the stairs and set it on the third step up, which was the designated homework step.

  I sighed running my hand through my hair as I got a change of clothes and made my way down stairs to the basement to the only bathroom I was allowed to use. After a short shower I started a load of laundry from the Alpha’s room. At one thirty I folded the clothes neatly and brought them up to his room in a basket and set it outside his door. It was Thursday, which meant Alpha laundry day, basically it was everyone in the Alpha’s family got their laundry done today. Tomorrow it was the beta’s day and so on till next week when it was Alpha’s day again. Of course they were always special occasions and events that I had to do everyone’s laundry on the same day, let me tell you those were hectic as hell.

   Finally around two I finally crawled into bed but my hands kept twitching and my head pounding in immense pressure. ‘You’re  not good enough!’ ‘You shouldn’t even be alive!’ ‘You should have died, not your parents!’ Those are the things that ran through my head, the pressure building until finally I couldn’t take it anymore and grabbed a razor that I kept next to my bed and slid it over my thigh, the arms too much of a risk now that Trey found out. The blood oozed out slowly at first and I made another cut until it flowed faster trickling down my leg. I made more cuts on my leg until all the pressure was gone and I felt light headed and fell into unconsciousness.


Not as long as the other one but I feel like this chapter was heavy so I ended it there... Sorry about the description I just wanted it to seem real and I don't evev know if I got it right....

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