Chapter 19

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6 Years Later

    “Wes!” I yelled through the house, sighing as I got no response I began making my way down the stairs, one hand on the railing and the other wrapped protectively around my stomach. “Wes?” I asked at the bottom.

  “Ginny? What’s wrong? Wes put you on bed rest.” Teddy scolded blocking my path.

“Well maybe if someone came to talk to me once in awhile I wouldn’t feel the need to leave my bed. Besides John needs me.” I sighed leaning against the wall trying to catch my breath.

“Wes took John out, you knew that.” He reprimanded me.

  I rolled my eyes, “Maybe I did but I miss them.” I whined. “Where’s Percy and Claire? Isn’t school over yet?”

   “Ginny, you have to go back upstairs. Wes will kill me if you’re out of bed.” He pointed up the stairs, “Back to bed.”

“But..” I tried and he glared, “fine.” I tried to stomp up the stairs but with a round belly, it didn’t really work.

“Don’t hurt yourself or the babies.” Teddy told me as he helped me up the stairs.

  Once I was at the top I let go of Teddy’s hand and pushed him away from me, “I don’t need your help.”

“Gin, relax. You can’t freak out, Wes isn’t due back yet.” Teddy held up his hands in surrender trying to calm me.

“You think I don’t know that?!” I shrieked my wolf growing restless. Suddenly my mood changed from anger to sadness.

Teddy noticed the change when tears began to run down my face. He reached out for me and my wolf growl making him back away from me. “It’s okay, I won’t hurt you.” He pleaded.

Red flashed before me, “Stop!” I yelled with angry tears shutting my eyes tightly. Control. Control you’re angry Ginny, you can’t hurt him. I shook my head covering my ears as my wolf became angrier and angrier. I can’t. I can’t control her. Not now that I was pregnant. I was weak.

“Ginny?” A silky voice rang through the house. My wolf instantly calmed and I was me again.

  “I-I’m so sorry.” I mumbled to Teddy who breathed a sigh of relief.

  “No worries Sis.” he smiled hugging me, “Your pregnancy hormones are even more crazy than last time.” I laughed with him and heard Wes coming up the stairs.

“Gin? Baby what’s wrong?” He asked looking me over.

“I’m fine. Tiny melt down, I’m good now. Promise.” I told him as he wrapped me in his arms.

  “Why aren’t you in bed?” He asked and I could feel him glaring at Teddy.

“It’s not Teddy’s fault.” I rolled my eyes and he looked down at me confused, “I missed you, so I went looking. Teddy made me go back to bed but I had a fit. I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry.” Wes sighed looking over at Teddy and then back at me, “I’m sorry I left you too, it won’t happen again.”

“Good.” I smiled as I stood on my tippy toes to press my lips to his quickly. I pulled away and laughed at his face.

   “Don’t tease me.” He growled grabbing me tightly.

“Nope, nope this is not happening. Come on now.” Teddy shook his head grabbing my arm and gently pulling me from Wes.

  Wes growled, “What are you doing?”

  Teddy rolled his eyes, “Taking her to bed, she shouldn’t be on her feet and you know it.”

  “Fine.” He grumpily replied and I sent him a wink which made his eyes burn with lust.

  “Where’s John?” I asked as I got comfortable on our bed. “Is he okay?” I asked my maternal instincts and mother wolf kicked in.

  “Calm down Gin. He’s just down stairs.” Wes told me holding my hand tightly. “Do you want me to get him?” I nodded. He kissed my forehead and gave my hand one last squeeze before going to get our son.

  “Mama!” John’s voice reached me before he could. Wes walked in carrying a blond hair, blue eyed boy. John got my blond hair but he Wes’s bright blue eyes, while mine were a duller blue. He was wild, crazy and full of energy. He loved his dad a lot but he was a total mama's boy, which I was okay with.

“Hey there.” I smiled reaching out for him as he did the same to me. Once he was safely in my arms my wolf was calm again, until I remembered Percy, Claire, and Caden  weren’t home yet “Where’s Percy, Claire and Caden?”

  “School.” Wes rolled his eyes but his eyes shined brightly in love as he watched me with John. “Why don’t you tell mama what you were doing with dad.”

  John giggled when I tickled him, which was beyond adorable sounding. “What’d you do?”

“We were lookin’ for ewelry.” he said between giggles but it sounded a bit odd because he was two and couldn’t talk all that well.

  I stopped tickling him and stared dumbfounded at him. Jewelry? For what? I glanced at Wes who was now holding a black box in his hand. “Wes?” I shook my head tears coming to my eyes. I hinted at getting married years ago but Wes told me we didn’t need too, that we were mates and that was enough. It sounded fine to me but I always dreamed of wearing a white dress, walking down the aisle and seeing the look on his face making everything worth it. The one thing I wouldn’t be okay with was walking down the aisle without my father. That’s what stopped me from pushing a wedding.

“ ‘ill you marry us mama?”

“Ginny I love you.” He smiled, “Please don’t say no to us. You’re already stuck with us for the rest of your life.” he joked nervously.

    Did he really believe I would say no? I shook my head slowly staring at him a smile spreading across my face, “I love you.”

“Is that a yes?” He looked hopeful.

“No.” I laughed, “It’s a hell yes.”

“Hell yes!” John screamed at the top of his lungs. Oops I forgot he was here.

  “John.” I scolded with a smile.

   “That’s my boy.” Wes smirked high fiving him.

Oh dear lord what did I get myself into...

 This is the last chapter! Anyway it wasn't mentioned but she's having twins!

Thanks so much for reading this story, I hope you like it!:) I enjoyed all the comments, votes and Reads So thanks for that. This story was short, I know but I couldn't drag it out I'd get bored of it.

Loves you for reading!:D

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