The Signs as Anime manga Hero Stereotypes

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Aries: The protagonist is very weak or pathetic at the beginning but something magical happens and they gain all frigging muscles etc.

Taurus: The protagonist's friend is a gluttony.

Gemini: Protagonist gains some magical powers too.

Cancer: The Hero's 'going to be wife' girl is either cry baby or Tsudere.

Leo: The protagonist has a opponent who too loves his girl.

Virgo: The protagonist either has low IQ or high

Libra: The hero's girl loves shopping

Scorpio: The protagonist loses to the antagonist once or twice or even gets killed

Sagittarius: Stupid cliche when the boy is gonna kiss the girl someone interrupts them.

Capricorn: The girl and boy kiss when either of them is gonna die.


Pisces: Too shy to confess their feelings

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