Ch. 6

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                                                    Reaper POV

My eyelids still closed my hand travels to my wound, but it's patched up, 

My eyelids slowly flutter open, a blinding light enters my vision, but I had to close my eyes again then open them, 

I sit up slowly, 

I see that I'm in some kind of office I see that I'm alone, good I thought 

I stand up but shooting pain goes through my body from the now patched wound, but I fight through it, 

I open the door looking both ways to see no one, 

"Good," I whisper, 

I start walking down the hall when I hear voices I jump to the rafters, 

"I want surveillance on batman at all times, I want it so that he can't even sneeze without us knowing am I clear!" The knight said to one of his men,

"Yes sir!" The man said 

"Good, Now go!" The Knight said 

he started storming to the office where I woke up, 

I smirked I wish I could see the look on his face I thought, 

                                          Knights POV

I enter my office frustrated, but when I look to the couch I find the blankets on the ground and bloody wraps on the couch, 

I rush out of the office my men look in my direction, 

"The Reaper is awake she couldn't have gotten far Find her I want her alive!" I said with anger, 

                            Reaper POV 

Ooo someone is angry, I thought smirking I feel sweat dripping off of my forehead, 

might as well get out of here, I thought

after I was far enough away I jumped down from the rafters almost out when a bunch of Militia show up, 

"It's her contact the Knight," One of them said 

"Let's not boys," I said smirking 

I pull out my swords, 

"Who wants to go first?" I said 

"Come on boys don't be shy," I said smirking 

They charged at me I ran and jumped kicking one of them in the head where he fell to the ground out cold with a loud thud, 

the others went to charge me I swept my foot under one of the guys legs making him fall to the ground where I kicked him in the head where he went out cold, 

my breathing started to get ragged, 

I had two more left, 

they were close enough where I took them both by the back of the heads and knocked their heads together, causing them to fall out cold,

My breathing ragged, my hands on my knees, 

"Man I'm out of shape," I mumbled 

"Not out of shape just injured," I heard the knights voice 

I glared at him, 

"To be honest I'm surprised you made it this far," He said 

I rolled my eyes about to walk away but that fast he was in front of me, 

I glared up at him since he was obviously taller than me, 

"Move," I said with anger

"Not gonna happen doll," He said 

I went to punch him but he caught my fist in his hand, 

"I see you are feeling better," He said 

"But we need to talk," He said 

"Not interested," I said 

"I wasn't asking," He said picking me up

I tried to struggle but he was stronger than me

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