Chapter 2: Sally

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The immediate reaction to General McNamara's words was outrage. Sophia and Junior continued their yelling, and even Razoul joined in. Though, he wasn't exactly yelling, just talking very sternly. Sally, on the other hand, was having a great time, the noise drowned out by the blood rushing through her ears. Man, the world sure was spinny today, huh? And roof is certainly further than it used to be. Was she on the floor...? Oh, she'd just find out later. For now, the room was going black. Goodnight.

When she next woke up, she was sat in a strange little room. It had two beds, with two small chests at the foot of them. The decorating was sparce... Actually, there wasn't any decoration at all, just a small window with bars over it, daylight leaking through. All the colours were neutral, the floor a cold tile, and the door made of a heavy looking metal with a small slot half way up, likely to deliver food through.

Sally tried to sit up, head pounding as she did. Ugh, way to make a great first impression. Fainting like an idiot, smooth. She rubbed her eyes, taking note that she still had her glasses on. Maybe someone had stayed with her...? Looking around, she realized that assumption was right. She hadn't noticed him on her first glance, but the little blonde boy from before was sat on the floor at the end of her bed, looking towards the door.

"Hey, uh, 'scuse me...?"
The boy jolted, wheeling around in surprise, before seeming to recollect himself. He cleared his throat, dusting himself off and getting up.
"Good morning. I don't believe we've properly met. My name is Draco Malfoy, wizard supreme."
He announced in a chipper British drawl, offering a hand for her to shake. He seemed to be compensating for the fact that he had been bawling on the floor when they first met.

Sally took his hand, giving it a quick shake.
"Uh, Sally Greenwich. Though, I think I already said that..."
She mumbled, before pulling away and looking around. Everything was coming back, and that included the panic.
"Hey, Draco, what... Where are we...?"
She asked, slowly getting up from the bed. This was mildly terrifying.

"Oh, well, we're still in the... Peek? I think he said Peek... The Peek headquarters. The General briefed those of us from different times or places on the state of the world."
He suddenly gained a smug grin, examining his nails as he spoke.
"Being the great wizard I am, I didn't need any catching up. I already knew what was going on, I just didn't want you all to feel foolish compared to me at first."
That was his story and he was sticking to it.

Sally nodded.
"So... It's 2018...? I suppose I wouldn't have missed much, I could just say I'm from some kind of foreign country without the latest technology. Like Canada or something."
She mused. Draco gave a nod, walking over to the door.
"Good! The others should be in their rooms as well, except Mrs. White. She's the one who's staying in this room with you. Now come along Sarah."
"It's Sally."
And with that, the two headed out to meet the others.

The first thing she noticed was where they were. A very medical looking area, a few doors similar to hers lining the walls. At one end of the hall, a door labeled "washrooms", and at the other, an opening to some other, larger area. Draco swiftly lead her in that direction, the sound of voices soon reaching her.
"... Believe you people live like this! I mean, where's the tech? Where's the fun?? Where's the weed!?"
She assumed that was Junior, and her suspicions were confirmed as she reached the room.

It was a bit nicer than the hallway, with a large window taking up one of the walls. The glass was strange. It was completely opaque, but it let in more than enough light. On the other wall, a tv was set up. It was bigger then anything Sally had ever seen, probably, like, at least 60 inches. That was something they definitely didn't have in '09! But other than that, there were quite a few comfortable looking chairs strewn about, as well as a bookshelf beneath the tv, some filing cabinets with soft corners, and a plush carpet coating the room. Directly across from the hall they entered in was another metal door. She could see something that looked like scratches marking it, which... Wasn't exactly comforting.

Junior paced around the room, waving his arms as he continued to blabber and complain, seeming not to notice the complete disinterest he was receiving. Razoul was transfixed by a rubix cube, not seeming to notice anything else as he sat in a corner near the door. Owen, who was sitting in one of the chairs with a book in hand, was the first to notice them come in.

"Ah, good morning Miss Greenwich. Are you feeling alright?"
He asked. Y'know, the fact that he looked like Joey really wasn't helping her nerves here. Junior stopped his pacing, looking over to her, only to roll his eyes and go back to pacing, silently this time. Sally shrugged awkwardly.
"All things considered, I'm doing pretty okay. Uh, what about you guys...?"
Razoul looked up at this point, face completely straight.
"I've never been this happy before."

...Okay, cool. He's terrifying, that's lovely. Owen glanced over at Draco, who seemed to be pouting.
"Thank you for taking care of Miss Greenwich, Draco. You did a wonderful job."
He hummed. The blonde boys face lit up with a grin.
"Oh, why, thank you! I can't do my extremely powerful healing magic when I don't have my wand, but it was the least I could do."
He boasted, before trotting over to one of the filing cabinets and beginning to dig through it.

"Miss Greenwich, would you come here a moment?"
Owen's voice startled Sally back to attention, and she meekly made her way over, eyes on the ground. She didn't say anything, waiting for him to speak first, which he did.
"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you. I'd just like to know a few things. First of all, how old are you? Not in 2018, but at the time when you left."
Oh, well, that was surprisingly easy to answer.
"Oh, uh, I recently turned 18. A-and you don't have to call me Miss Greenwich, Sally is fine."
She sputtered, immediately regretting what she said. She didn't have time to overthink though, seeing as Junior sauntered over to the two, leaning a hand on the arm of the chair.

"Dude, are you hitting on her? She's like, five. And seriously ugly."
Before Sally had time to fully process what was said, or the implications, Owen responded, ice in his tone.
"I'm gay, Space Man. I was simply trying to see if she was old enough to understand what exactly is happening here, or if I'd have to coddle her like the idiot wizard boy. And at least her face isn't so revolting that even her hairline is trying to get away."
He said, gesturing vaguely to Junior's forehead. He gasped in offence, but before he was able to answer, the sound of metal screeching on metal broke the relative calm of the room.

The door slowly opened, Sophia marching through with her chin held high, General McNamara following shortly after. They had the rooms full attention for the moment. McNamara spoke up first.
"After some time, and some negotiations, I've assessed how much I'm able to tell you. Take a seat, I'm about to tell you something that may change your entire perspective on the world."

Sally already fainted once today. She took a seat, ready to do so again.

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