Asgard: Thor Odinson

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"I'm here... I'm here. The marble fell out of my pocket when I was leaving Asgard. I'm so sorry, Thor..." I whisper.

Thor just looked at me before smashing his lips to mine. I kiss back just as eagerly but we hear a cough from the right side of the room. "Not to break up this love fest but, what the hell, Y/N? You're Asgardian? When were you thinking about telling us?" Tony exclaims.

"Um, never." I tell him, sassily.

"So what're you two? Betrothed or something?" Tony asks.

"No... childhood friends." Thor responds.

"Friends?" Tony scoffs.

"OK! That's enough of that!" I say. "Now, can you guys please tell me who's this villain we're going up against?" 

"He's no villain, Y/N." Thor says quietly.

"Then who is he?" I ask.

"Before I say anything more, Y/N. You have to understand why this is happening so you mustn't judge them too quickly." Thor tell me quietly.

"Just tell me who it is, Thor." I say tiredly.

"It's Loki..."

"WHAT? How did this happen, Thor?" 

"You have to understand, he was devastated when we found the marble on Asgard and we both thought you were dead. He ran away and when he came back, he just became bad and all he wanted was the Tesseract." 

"So, you think he's being mind controlled?"

"Exactly. But, maybe, if he sees you, he could overpower whoever is controlling his mind."

"Then let's go!" I state before leaving the conference room.

"What about us?" Tony asks before we leave.

"No offense Tony, but your first plan is to shoot them with your blasters. You won't be much help especially since Loki is in a pretty fragile state right now." I say quietly.

"Fine... But if you die, I'm going to laugh." Tony grumbles. As soon as he says that, Thor pins him to the wall. 

"She will not die..." Thor growls.

"Thor! Put him down. Yes, he's an idiot but we have to go find Loki!" I tell him. Thor reluctantly puts down Tony and we head towards where Loki is located.

When we arrive, there are guards blocking the entrance. Thor easily brushes them out of the way and we head inside. We find Loki with his back turned to us. "Loki..." I start quietly. 

"Who is it. Leave now or I kill you." Loki growls.

"It's me... You were my first kiss, remember? From that silly game when we were younger? It's Y/N." I whisper, a slight smile on my face even though Thor looks outraged that my first kiss wasn't him.

"Y/N? You must think I'm foolish, don't you. Y/N died during the war on Asgard. She's gone!" Loki whirls around to see me standing there, holding onto Thor's hand. "Y-Y/N?" Loki asks weakly.

"Hey, Loki..." I whisper.

"H-how are you still alive?" Loki asks.

"I escaped Asgard but lost the marble there." I explain again.

Loki carefully walks over until he's towering over me, just like Thor. He wraps his arms around me and gives me the most gentle but most emotional hug ever. "I missed you..." he whispers.

"I missed you too, Loki." I say.

"Why are you here?" he asks.

"We've come to hopefully persuade you to call off your army. We know this isn't you, Loki. You have to call it all off or innocent people will get hurt." I say.

"Why should we care about them? They're below us! Thor and I are practically gods and all three of us are immortal!" Loki shouts.

"See, that's not you talking, Loki. That's someone else saying that. You need to break out of their grasp. Please, for me."

"You don't understand, Y/N. They have power I have never seen before. I can't break out."

"Try. Loki, you still have to try. Trust me. You are very powerful. You can do this."

The entire building goes silent as many emotions flit across Loki's face and he lets out a pained whimper. I run over to him but Thor holds me back. "He must do it himself." he states. My heart breaks as he lets out one more small whimper before he draws himself to his full height. "The Chitauri have been called off." Loki states, proudly.

"I knew you could do it!" I jump and clap my hands. Thor grabs my hand once more as celebration for him and Loki notices. 

"So, are you two finally wed?" Loki asks.

I flush deeply and stutter, "N-no. This is my first day seeing h-him after one thousand y-years. I'm allowed to hold hands with him..."

"Would you not want to be wed, Lady Y/N?" Thor asks.

"I-it's not that, it's just, I mean... Ugh! Loki! Stop looking at me like that!" I pout.

"So you do want to be wed?" Thor questions.

"Yes! No, I mean, I just don't no yet. Everything's happening so fast, Maybe when we've actually discussed what we are..." I mumble exasperated.

"I'll be fine with that!" Thor grins. Loki just rolls his eyes.

"Let's go back to the compound. It'll take a while for the others to trust you since you killed so many people but they'll come around." I say. Loki walks over and I grab his hand as well as Thor's as we make our way back to the Tower. 

Two months later, Thor and I were wed in Asgard. Loki wore a huge smirk the entire time and tried to tell embarrassing childhood stories before Thor threatened to throw him out the window.




A/N: If anyone has any ideas for Thor imagines please let me know because writing about Thor is hard. Thanks!

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