~17~ England Pt.1: Undercover redcoat

Start from the beginning

I had spent the last few days preparing for tonight.

My free time had been occupied between the regular routine - a natural routine I needed to keep in check - time getting acquainted with Marion, or the somewhat bold, yet meekly spoken conversations that Warner and the king found rather humorous.

Every spare moment I could gather, would be spent holding myself together while sneaking up pieces of the soldiers uniforms, each part tucked under the bed where they had been out of sight.

I had most of the uniform - and begrudgingly borrowed a few of Marion's spare, clasped pins.

A shirt, vest, breeches, jacket, and a hat completed the main attire along with a few belts and straps.
I already had a pair of black, heel-like boots - the only small problems being the section of white at the heels and the more feminine appearance.
But as long as I passed first glance, I would be fine.

The door opens slowly in response to my silence, followed by the even padding of heavy boots.

'Make it below deck and find Marion.' My thoughts were almost proud, but I couldn't ignore my nerves hiding below the surface. 'Just convince her to stall for time, sneak off, and go from there.'

"Your highness?" Warner calls in a calm tone, stepping closer and I loosen my grasp on the parchment just a little.

Stay still.
I needed to stay still.

His frame stops by my side - and I could tell where his gaze had been drawn to - as moments later his large hand takes the paper from my hands and my gaze snaps up.

I inhale, playing with the scared look on my expression.
"Warner-" his name was dry - and I was careful to not flare the dramatics too much.

"What's this?" He smiles a thin, calculated smile and I step forward only to have his hand grab my upper arm - my frame falling still aside from the hand I extended.

"General- give that back." I respond, reaching for the letter he easily kept out of reach.

His eyes read the letter closely, taking in what I had written and his profile shifts through hard to grasp emotions.
Narrow eyes, stitched brow lining the thoughts he held in his head, stiffened jaw.
Each told a subtle story that within moments made the quiet room freeze over with worry — and the false face of fear I had been acting on all but fades, twisting into dreaded knots of actual alarm as the grip he held on my arm tightens.

My attention was held on his features - the serious gaze casting down like storm just outside a window, and my breathing falls to stone.

"I am only going to explain this once...your highness, so be a dear and pay attention."
His slow words made me tense - want to pull out of his hold - and the plan I thought would help was slipping through the window.
"I don't think I have to explain what will happen tonight? That you are expected to behave."

"You don't scare me." My words were sudden - standing up for my courage and the male steps closer, his hands on both of my shoulders, causing the parchment to wrinkle in his hold.

"I'm a patient man." His response was cryptic, and even after he leans down closer to my face, he still managed to tower over me. "However, I will make sure everything goes smoothly tonight- and my top priority will be on you. So believe me when I say, that if you cause a scene, bring any attention- negative or otherwise to yourself while in the view of the people...if you so much as step one toe out of line, just know, his majesty won't have the time to throw you over his own knee- as you'll already be over mine. And I assure you, that you wouldn't want to spend your first week in your new home, not being able to sit down."

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