"My Game is Saved"

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Previously on Survivor...

16 new sim players were divided into two tribes.

The Agua tribe consisted of small groups, in which one (Ahmed, Patty, and Fiona) blindsided an under performer in challenges.

Tierra had one player immediately being marked an outcast due to her outrageous behavior, but Sherman had his sights set on the guys of the tribe.

15 are left. Who will be voted out tonight?

Night 3

Agua - Post-Tribal

(The Agua tribe returns to camp and puts their torches down. Finn immediately sets Jake aside)

Finn: Did you vote for Odessa?

Jake: Honestly? Yeah.

Finn: Why?

Jake: Patty told me to.

Finn: The plan was Jasmine...

Finn (CON): I'm so livid that Jake didn't listen. Patty needs to go home for our alliance's sake.

(Gil approaches Jake and Finn)

Gil: So it's three against three against one. We need to swing Jasmine somehow.

Jake: It'll be easy. We'll just say that Patty and her crew can't be trusted because they voted out her friend.

Gil: I'll go.

(Gil finds Jasmine sitting by the beach, laying down)

Gil: Hey.

Jasmine: Hello.

Gil: I want to get rid of Patty. She cannot be trusted.

Jasmine: Me too.

Jasmine (CON): Yay! I'm so glad I'm with Gil, Jake, and Finn now, even if they almost voted me out. We need to get out that conniving girl. And maybe her minions. My game is saved!

Day 4

Reward Challenge

(Shots over the competition ground is shown, along with dramatic music in the background)

Jeff: Come on in, guys!

(The Tierra tribe walks in and stands on their mat. They look over as the Agua tribe enters)

Jeff: Tierra, getting your first look at the new Agua tribe. Odessa voted out at the last Tribal Council.

Lorraine: Wow.

Jeff: You guys ready for the next reward challenge?

Castaways: Yes!

Jeff: For today's challenge, we'll be going in rounds. One tribe member will sit on a platform at one end of the field. The other member will race to grab a rope and run it back to the starting line, spinning the tribe member on the platform. When the tribe member is back at the start line, the dizzy member will get off the platform and, while dizzy, try to cross the balance beam and get to the finish line before the member of the other tribe. The first person to cross the finish line wins a point for their tribe. The first tribe to three wins reward. Wanna know what you're playing for?

Castaways: Yeah!

Jeff: The winning tribe gets a complete box of fishing gear. This will be all you need to catch some fish and get some protein in your belly. Worth playing for?

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