New House

205 4 0

Date: 17.12.19
Word Count: 1148


It was Nathan's first time in Louis's new house. His bedroom was pretty big, though boxes still lay around. It was only the weekend gone that he'd moved out of his grandparents and into here. The room itself had plain beige walls and a huge king sized bed up against the back wall in the centre. A large wooden wardrobe with four doors spread across another wall, still leaving a mighty big gap between it and the door. A desk was propped up against the wall opposite the bed and had a huge window beside it with navy blinds. That was pretty much it so far.

"Do you like it? It's not as big as my old house, but at least this one doesn't come with an overbearing dad." Louis chuckled, tucking his head under Nathan's chin as they lay together on his bed. He was currently shirtless and had his arm flung over Nathan's clothed chest, relaxing for the first time in what seemed like years.

"I do." Nathan mumbled, leaning down and pecking the top of Louis's head. "I'm not quite sure what to do with it, where to put stuff. How long are you staying? Will you help?" Louis asked, slightly incoherently. Both were really tired after long school weeks and late night studies, not to mention Nathan's new part-time job at a local cafe and Louis's new boxing class.

Nathan shrugged. "I'm staying for seven days, so sure, if we have time." He began to close his eyes slightly when Louis shook him. "Don't fall asleep - lets do something." And pulled himself up. He moved off the bed and held out a hand to Nathan, who took it with a yawn.

Louis lead Nathan to the floor at sat on it, pulling Nathan down into his lap. He didn't know any gay people other than Nathan, but he knew that Nathan had had a relationship with a boy before, in fact in his old school they even had an LGBTQ+ club, so he knew gay guys. From what Nathan had said, most were tops and bottoms, a few switches.

"I'm generally a bottom." Nathan said, a little embarrassed by the subject as Louis had brought it up. They were at Nathan's apartment, Stéphane was out, and lying down on the sofa together watching some soap opera neither were paying attention to.

"I want to be a top. I was obviously a top sit Laura." Louis chuckled, still not quite understanding it. "But I like sleeping the way I do with you, with my head in your chest, it makes me feel safe." Nathan blushed a bright pink, looking to the side slightly. "I think we're switches. Are you ok with that?" He asked, once his face had returned to its normal colour. Louis nodded, now placing a finger against Nathan's lips so that they could watch the soap opera.

Nathan leant back against Louis's chest, leaning his head on the latter's shoulder. He wasn't that much taller, there was an incredibly small difference but it was a difference nonetheless. Louis pressed a kiss to Nathan's forehead, smiling down at him when he looked up in surprise after. It kind of hurt that Nathan didn't seem to expect as much affection as he was getting, sure he tried to be affectionate as often as he could, craved it from Louis, but Louis could tell that his past relationships must have been different. Louis was used to only dating girls, so maybe he was the one making it different.

But there was one thing that Louis liked to do which he was sure wouldn't be that different. He didn't do it often, but he'd do it with Theo, Laura - even now, when they're simply just friends - and even Corinne. He couldn't remember doing it with Nathan though.

"Can I see your phone?" Louis mumbled into Nathan's hair. "Why do you want my phone?" The younger asked, face scrunched up in confusion. "I want to take a picture with you, I think you look cute right now." Louis muttered into Nathan's ear before nibbling slightly on his lobe. Nathan shuddered but nodded, reaching upwards to his left where it sat on Louis's desk. He unlocked it quickly with Touch ID before turning it onto camera and passing it to Louis.

They took a lot of pictures, many in fact, because despite the fact that Louis couldn't see his face, he kept claiming it was making new expressions that he had to take a selfie with.

"I want my phone back." Nathan whined, reaching for it as Louis attempted to take another picture. "Ah-ah." The older snickered, arm tightening around Nathan's waist whisky the other moved the phone far away. "Take it from me." He challenged.

And Nathan tried to. It was at first a little bit of pulling and scraping before Nathan got out of Louis's iron grip and it turned into a wrestling match to try and retrieve his phone from his stubborn ass boyfriend.

"Give it! I want to see the photos you took!" Nathan complained, crawling across Louis's solid body. He didn't want to take his shirt off, didn't know how Louis found the courage too, but he certainly didn't mind staring at the feeling his boyfriends torso at all.

Louis laughed slightly, still holding the phone away. It was nice, his resting face didn't look happy, and it took a lot to get him to smile. A lot of the time he didn't, so Nathan took pride in the times he got him too. Nathan himself was generally a smiler, not his resting face, but a lot of the other faces he makes contains a smile.

"Only if you kiss me." He grinned, looking upwards at Nathan as he fell onto his back. Nathan blushed, bringing the arm reaching for the phone down before complying. His lips moulded into Louis's perfectly, he couldn't imagine his Laura's fit when they were so much smaller than his.

Once they pulled away, Louis sat up and held out the phone to Nathan. "You're backgrounds cute." He mused, watching Nathan go from the camera app to the camera roll. The home screen background was of Nathan and a dog, his old dog. It was a German shepherd whose name had been Billie, a wonderful female dog that Nathan had had for years before it died a couple of months before he moved houses.

Nathan shoved Louis's arm and crawled away slightly, leaning against the foot of the bed. Louis followed, moving his forehead to touch Nathan's to kiss his nose before moving back to just lean his head on the taller boys shoulder.

"You look cute." Nathan giggled, pointing at Louis's face constantly as he scrolled through the photos. "So do you." Louis grinned, kissing his boyfriends cheek.

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