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"there there!" yohan whisper-shouted, pointing at the alpha that he's been crushing on, "isn't he just pretty?" hangyul chuckled at the older who was looking at the alpha with dreamy eyes.

"just go talk to him" hangyul said, patting yohan's back, "i'm sure he likes you too"

yohan's eyes widened, "he does not! and its not easy to just go up to him and talk to him!" the omega's eyes continued to follow every move the alpha was doing.

hangyul rolled his eyes, "i'm sure wooseok would've told you the same thing if he were here. actually, he would've pushed you to him already" wooseok had gone to the library to study with jinhyuk, leaving hangyul and yohan sitting alone during lunch. yohan was talking about his crush with hangyul and being the good friend he is, he listened to his dilemmas.

"i'm probably not even his type" yohan frowned, sulking at the thought. hangyul let a loud groan escape his lips. yohan was practically head over heels for the alpha and from hangyul's perspective, yuvin was literally staring at the boy. how dense could these two possibly get?

talk about being dense, hangyul is dense himself. he just doesn't know it. he's always pushing away the idea that seungyoun would like him back. yes, he's already developed a crush but it's not like seungyoun knew, right? he'd been avoiding the way seungyoun stands up for him when an alpha gets near him and how seungyoun would hold his hand sometimes when they walk home. he just took it as a kind gesture. they became close friends after all.

"stop growling would you" jinhyuk chuckled, watching his friend glare at a certain someone from across the room during their history class, "you're not really good at hiding your feelings seungyoun"

seungyoun balled up a piece of paper, not letting his omega— he meant hangyul, out of his sight. can't other alphas take a hint that hangyul is not interested in them? wait— why was he acting like this?

"if you like him then go tell him" jinhyuk patted his back, standing up to go sit beside wooseok. his lovely omega was sitting next to hangyul, being crowded with alphas. if someone had to go save him, it was jinhyuk.

seungyoun sighed, unwrapping the poor piece of paper he crumbled up. he couldn't tell hangyul that. even if he did give out tons of hints, hangyul would just think of him as any other alpha. he knew that hangyul was really picky on alphas. he'd probably reject him anyways and he didn't want to feel that pain.

"seungyoun" seungyoun's ears perked up hearing his name being called. it was jinhyuk, waving at him to come over. god, what was he thinking? he couldn't compete with these alphas. where was the actual history teacher when he needed him? their substitute wasn't even sparing a glance at the hectic class.

he had no choice but to get up and walk over. what did jinhyuk want this time? the whole area reeked of multiple unpleasing scents. any alpha's scent was unpleasant to another alpha's and multiple alpha's just made it worse.

jinhyuk pushed him to the group of alphas once he arrived. seungyoun mentally cursed at jinhyuk for putting him in this awful position. he was sure that the other alphas were going to hate him.

"seungyoun" hangyul mumbled, happy that his alpha friend was possibly here to help him. he had been dreading this whole period that someone would help him. wooseok had tried but got nothing but a bunch of slurs getting thrown at him. jinhyuk really couldn't help since he was busy comforting his omega boyfriend and besides, jinhyuk already had a mate. it would make no difference to help hangyul anyways. seungyoun was the only option left.

"who's this?" one of them muttered, snarling at seungyoun, "more competition for us?"

seungyoun scoffed, "didn't he say he wasn't interested in you? why are you still here?" he crossed his arms, waiting for an answer.

another one of them smirked, grabbing seungyoun by the collar, "and why are you here? he's going to reject you too isn't he? he's just playing hard to get"

"i'm not!" hangyul exclaimed, rubbing his forehead with his fingers, "i just don't like you guys!"

seungyoun raised an eyebrow at the alpha's in front of him, "he said it himself so why don't you fuck off?" he pushed the boy's hands away from his shirt, straightening the wrinkles that formed.

he heard the alpha chuckle, "i get what i want alpha. you think hangyul is going to like you too?"

"i actually do like him" hangyul muttered under his breath, yet the alpha's somehow manages to hear it and whip their heads at him. he looked at them with red cheeks, "h-he's kind and sweet to me and he's not like other alphas"

seungyoun's ears turned red. was that a confession? of course it wasn't! what was he thinking? hangyul probably just liked him as a friend. he probably said that to get the other alphas to go away.

the stunned alphas walked away, a few sulking from what hangyul said. hangyul had already laid eyes on an alpha that was perfect for him. the others stand no chance now.

"good job dude" jinhyuk chuckled, wrapping and arm around seungyoun's shoulder and whispering into his ear, "your ears are red by the way"

"thank god they left" hangyul sighed in relief. he could finally breath in fresh air, unlike the toxic scent from those other alphas. wooseok was an exception since he's got used to the boy's scent. jinhyuk started to hang out with them a lot and he didn't really mind his scent. seungyoun's scent was the best. he could sniff it all day if that wasn't weird. he could just go home and jump into his mountain of seungyoun's clothes and call it a day.

"i can't believe they called my omega ugly!" jinhyuk huffed, "no one calls my mate ugly! he's beautiful!" wooseok giggled at his boyfriend. he had to admit, his face turned red when jinhyuk said that. his alpha was adorable.

seungyoun looked at hangyul, their eyes meeting before seungyoun looked away, "are you okay?"

hangyul nodded, "thanks to you. they would still be here without you" hangyul blushed, looking down at his feet.

seungyoun smiled, "i'm your prince charming so of course i'd come and save you" hangyul let out the cutest giggle seungyoun has ever heard. he's so whipped for the boy.

"does that make me the princess?" hangyul joked. part of him hoped that seungyoun might just say yes. he doubt it.

"of course. only if you want to" a wink followed after. of course he'd want to.


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