Jamie offers to tidy up once we've done. I watch him and he wanders back over to the table. "What's today's plan?" He asks, Dulcie looks from me to him, smiling as she listens. "Well. Me and char are going to finish stuff for Christmas.. I've booked for you and Dulcie to have a daddy daughter date today" I smile and Dulcie's face lights up.

Jamie watches her before grinning at me. "Sounds like the best day" he grins as Dulcie nods shyly, peeping up at him. "First you both need to get ready, I'll help Dulcie change and Charlotte can help you" I giggle "then, you've got frozen 2 booked at twelve o'clock. After that is a light lunch at Pizza Hut, Dulcie's favourite place.." I grin at her. "Then I've booked you both for sky zone trampoline park" I smile and they both grin at me.

"Let's go get ready" Dulcie squeals, running off upstairs. Jamie watches her go and I stand. He pulls me closer and kisses me deeply, making it last. "I don't deserve you.. really I don't" he whispers once we've pulled away. "You do.. you deserve so much" I wrap my arms around his neck as I kiss him.

"You'll both have the best day, I'm excited for you" I kiss him again and then we pull away and he lifts Charlotte. "Oh, everything is paid for too, you don't have to worry about any of that" I grin and he rolls his eyes. "I'll pay you back" he says and I smirk, following him upstairs to the landing. "Yes you can, in bed tonight" I whisper the last bit as I lean against his lips, kissing him as he gasps.

"Daddy! You have to get ready" Dulcie giggles, shooing him into our room. I giggle and watch before I head to Dulcie's room. "What did you want to wear?" I pout at her, sitting on her bed as she looks through her clothes.

"A pretty skirt and tights! With my boots" she bounces around and it melts my heart to see her so excited to spend the day with her daddy. "Okay.. how about... this!" I pull out her black skirt and grey wool tights. "I love it! And this" she grins, reaching for her cream jumper with a reindeer on.

"That's adorable, how shall we do your hair?" I grin, helping her change. She gets her little black boots on when she's done and I smile as she twirls around to show me. "You look beautiful.. wait, wear this too" I reach for her little light pink sleeveless fluffy jacket. "I love it! Please will you plait my hair?" She asks me shyly and i nod, going to the bed and Sitting down, getting her to stand in front of me.

I do two plaits into her hair, placing a little pink bow clip in the side to finish it off. "All ready, let me look at you" I grin and stand back, watching her twirl for me again. "Beautiful!!" I cheer and she joins in, hugging me. "Thank you Dakota" she smiles up at me. "You're welcome baby girl.. let's go find your daddy" I take her hand and we head downstairs, where we hear Jamie singing to Charlotte.

"I'm ready daddy" she wanders through to him and his face lights up. "Look how beautiful my big girl is" he leans to kiss her head and she grins sweetly. "You two ready to go?" I smile lovingly at him and he nods. He's dressed in jeans and a white polo top, he smells heavenly.

"Let's go baby" he says to Dulcie and she grins, running over to kiss Charlotte. Jamie leans down and kisses me lovingly, I rest my hand on his cheek before we pull away. "I love you.. see you later" he smiles kissing me once before. "I love you, have a good day" I call after them once I've hugged Dulcie. "Just me and you baby girl" I lean down and lift Charlotte into my arms.

*Jamie's POV*

"Daddy I loved frozen!" Dulcie grins as we finish up our pizza. "I know.. it was good" I chuckle and watch her. "Thank you for my teddy" she smiles shyly holding up the Olaf teddy I brought her from the cinemas. We got Charlotte a little one too.

"You're welcome baby" I kiss her head and once we've finished our pizza we leave. We did the trampolining park before lunch so we didn't make ourselves sick after eating.

Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan) - You're The One...Where stories live. Discover now