I | Black-Heeled Shoes

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I know what you came here for. A well structured, stable love story. Well that's not what this is. So buckle up, hang on to your hat, and get ready for the most dysfunctional, broken "love" story you've ever had the displeasure of reading.

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I walked lonely steps towards my old BMW, hoping to get home before the pouring rain came down from the ominous gray clouds that hung in the sky and onto the small, raggedy town I call home.

Right as I was about to open the shabby door to my old, rundown car, I saw the vibrant neon lights that read out 'The Red Lounge'.

The bar reminded me of the fear-inducing disputes my parents would have when I was only an adolescent child. My father went to the high-praised club almost every night for as long as I could remember. You see, my father was an angry drunkard, picking fights over the most trivial matters, only to stand useless, as everyone around him witnessed his own downfall as a menial, drunken stranger misplaced the kind man he once was.

And disastrously ... I watch helpless as I, myself, became the man that I hated most.

I looked down at the keys in my hand, and considered my options.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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