- Omg Y/N! Y/F/N said when you were done.

- I don't know what to do. You said, hopelessly.

- You have to tell Jungkook he deserves to know the truth. And then you two can come up with a solution.

- Yeah I know.

You stayed there for a while talking about what you should do. Around 7pm you decided it was best to go home so you didn't worry Jungkook too much. You pulled up on the driveway and parked the car. You pulled down the mirror and fixed yourself a little, your eyes and cheeks were still red from all the crying. Once you stepped inside you went to the living room where Jungkook and Y/D/N were watching a movie.

- Oh hi Y/N. Jungkook said when he saw you coming in through the door.

- Hi kook, hi sweetie. You said, trying to sound as normal as possible.

- Where were you?

- Oh I was at Y/F/N place and I lost track of time. You explained.

- Okay, did you have fun?

- Yeah. You lied then walking into the kitchen to drink a glass of water.

You drank the water but you didn't go back to the living room. You just stood there, resting your arms on the kitchen counter and stared out from the window in front of you. Jungkook noticed you not coming back and went into the kitchen, searching for you. Jungkook gently grabbed your wrist and turned you around. His face dropped as he saw your red bloodshot eyes.

- Y/N, baby, why have you been crying? He asked creasing your cheek with his thumb.

- What do you mean? You asked even if you knew he could read you like an open book so there was no meaning of hiding it for him.

- I could see that you have been crying when you came home but I didn't ask because I didn't want to worry Y/D/N.

- Can I tell you later when Y/D/N is asleep? You asked looking up him.

- Of course Y/N. He said hugging you and kissed your forehead.

- Thank you Kook, I love you.

- I love you too.

After some time Jungkook put Y/D/N to bed and then went into the living room where you was waiting. He sat down on the couch next to you, as he took your hand and looked at you concerned

- Y/N, what's wrong? He asked with a soft voice.

- I don't know how to tell you this. You said looking at him.

- It's fine, take your time. I just want you to know that I'm always here for you. He said kissing your cheek softly.

- Ok, so last week I went to the doctors because I wasn't feeling well and I just had a feeling that something was not right so the nurse ran a few tests on me I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry. You started.

- Okay...

- And the tests got back today so they called me in to show me the result. You started sobbing and Jungkook's face were full of worry.

- What did the result say?

- I may not be able to have kids Kook. You mumbled now crying.

- What do you mean? He asked as his eyes started to get shiny from his tears.

- The nurse said that my uterus is shutting down 25 years to soon. I don't have so many eggs left and the chances of becoming pregnant are small.

Jungkook sat there quiet sobbing not knowing what to say. He took me in his embrace and hugged me tightly. He swayed my body from side to side as we both were crying against each other's shoulders.

- There are still some options like adoption or egg donation. But the nurse recommends something called IVF. You explained.

- It's fine Y/N I don't need another child to be happy I have you and Y/D/N and I love you. We will get through this together and everything will be solved in the end. Jungkook said smiling through his tears as he pulled your body so he could see your face.

- The nurse said that we can try to get pregnant the natural way for some time before trying IVF because it is still a chance even if it's small.

- Yes of course. He said hugging you tightly again.

You and Jungkook talked for another hour about what you wanted to and about the options until your daughter walked into the living room in her pyjamas and with a teddy bear in her hand.

- Hi pumpkin, why are you not sleeping? Jungkook asked as he wiped his tears away with the sleeve of his hoodie.

- Why are you and eomma crying? She asked pouting as she walked up to you two.

- Oh, sweetie, the reason why we are crying is because eomma went to the doctors today and they had some bad news. You explained.

- What news?

- I may not be able to have another child. You said taking her in your lap.

- Oh, but that's fine eomma, I don't need a brother or sister I have you and appa. She said hugging you around your neck with her short arms.

As your daughter was hugging you felt another pair of arms wrap around you two bodies. You glanced up and saw Jungkook hugging you both. After some time you heard low snorings, you looked down and saw that your daughter had fallen asleep again in your arms. You stood up, walked her to her room and put her in her bed. After you got ready to sleep.

Two weeks passed and it was time for your meeting with the nurse. Y/F/N had taken your daughter out for a shopping day so this time you felt calmer because Jungkook could come with you.

- So I guess you two have been talking and have you decided what you want to do or do you need more time? The nurse asked when you arrived.

- We have decided that we want to try for a couple of months before doing IVF. You said.

- That's great Y/N, should we decide that you come back in a couple of months for another meeting. Hopefully, you are pregnant but if you're not we will start with IVF.

- Yes, thank you. You said.

- No problem and good luck Y/N. The nurse said and you and Jungkook left.

Afterwards, you and Jungkook went to eat lunch at a restaurant. He took you to the restaurant where you two had your first date. As you sat there ordering food you smiled as you taught back to that time and how much has changed. During that time you were pregnant with your daughter and now she was born and the three of you were a happy little family.

- What are you thinking about? Jungkook asked curiously.

- Our first date here and how much everything has changed since then, I mean look at us, we are married and we live together.

- Yeah, it's crazy, at that time I could never imagine that you and I would get married. But I'm happy it turned out that way because I would never change this for anything in the world.

- Me neither Kook. 

Pregnant After One Night Stand | BTS Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now