Beach Day (part 1)Rewritten

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Kairi walked along the beach contently happy that Sora and Riku were back.  When she heard the familiar 'clang' of keyblade clashing.  Looking over she saw Riku and Sora practicing their keyblade skills.  Blushing she stared at Sora and he looked 'so.....Snap out of it Kairi he doesn't like you like that!' she mentally scolded herself.
"Kairi? You all right?" called a sweet and familiar voice.  Turning around she saw Sora standing there with a concerned look.  not knowing how to answer she just nodded her head.

Sora sighed as he stared at Kairi why couldn't he tell her how he felt. ' simple he was scared she'd reject him and there'd friendship would be over. '  shaking his head  he got out of thoughts that he knew would never happen.  He smiled at her. " We should start heading back home Kai."

Kairi just nodded sighing ' I wish I could tell him how I felt but I'm just to scared '

a/n I decided to write Beach Day and Beach Day truth or dare hopefully these ones be better than the first versions

"May Your Hearts Be Your Guiding Key"

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