Walking A Path that wasn't paved

Start from the beginning

I looked at Y/N and she was pouting. "I want popcorn." She whispered as she tugged my shirt.

If she didn't tell me awhile ago, I wouldn't believed she loves me. It was the first time for her to encounter my ex but she didn't even looked jealous.

She was even chatting with Seulgi as I ask her to sit in front of me instead of my side. Even Seulgi laughed at her jokes and I was left stunned.

"You're the same year as us right?" Seulgi asked Y/N.


"Never noticed you before." She said smiling.

"I'm kind of a wallflower so—" Y/N shrugged her shoulders.

"Are you friends with anyone else I know? Do you know Jungkook?" Seulgi asked as I almost I choked on my popcorn.

"Seulgi!" I almost shouted.

"I was just asking if knows him." Seulgi said and I was hoping that Y/N wouldn't answer but she did immediately.

"Yeah— he's my roommate." She said smiling. "Why? Do you know him?"

"We used to date." Seulgi quipped.

Y/N stoop up and sat beside Seulgi then to my surprise and Seulgi as well, she hugged her. "Sorry. You deserved someone better."

Seulgi was initially shocked but suddenly she hugged Y/N tightly and cried, "He's— your room mate— He's an asshole."

"I know." Y/N answered. "He's the spawn of satan."

"You dated him? Is that why you're room mates?" Seulgi asked.

"Nope. Just family friends but you're not the first one. Don't worry— it'll pass. As soon as you realized what a dickhead he is." Y/N muttered as she offered Seulgi some popcorn.

After that, Seulgi didn't stopped ranting about Jungkook. I was thankful however that he didn't involved me in their discussion.

Y/N leaned to me, absorbed by the film that we're watching as she offers Seulgi some humming just to let her know she's still listening. It feels like it happened to her multiple times before and she knows exactly what to do and what to say.

I kissed her temple and whispered, "I love you." and immediately felt her face heating.

"Me, too." She whispered back as her fingers entangled with mind.

After watching, we see Seulgi to her room and I see her to her apartment. "Go to sleep." I said. "I'll lock the door on my way out. Good night— I love you."

"'Love you, too. Tae." She said as she gave me a kiss and enter her room.

On my way to the door, Jungkook's room quietly opened with a girl who's still holding her shoes while tip-toeing. She was shocked seeing me and immediately pushed me outside.

"Don't tell Y/N." Lisa begged me.


Hobi was already in our dorm room when I came back. "Y/N's not sleeping here?"

"No— she hates the shared bathroom." I said as I took off my jacket sighing and sitting beside Hobi.

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