I didn't let it be shaken

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It was amazing. I never felt something like what we shared before. As I joined her on top of her bed my heart is beating rapidly. Deeply and passionately and this time with our naked bodies touching each other.

"I— was hoping— I did— read — your looks, you're — sending — correctly." I said in between kisses.

"If you— didn't —I'll — write it down— to — be more clear." She answered and I laughed again.

"You're funny. I like that." I said getting lost in her eyes. "I like girls with sense of humor."

Just as how amazing it was— it was short lived. Y/N looks at the ceiling while I was waiting for her to look at me. I really thought Jungkook was lying, that somehow it wasn't a one night stand but from her silence, I knew that it was all that.

No matter how much I wanted to talk, I didn't know where to start. It was a wall that she encased herself into.

I was about to ask her why she chose Jungkook as her roommate but then she spoke, "You can sleep here if you want. It'll just be— hmm— awkward— to explain to Jungkook tomorrow morning."

She wasn't even looking at me, she said it with her flat voice. It seems, if she did say anything with compassion and feeling— it would make what we shared real— instead of a temporary release that she hopes it would be.

"Oh, hmm— yeah — sorry." I stood up and pick up my clothes, wearing them in confusion. I asked Jungkook to introduced me to her and I blew it up by answering to her whim. I could've said no— I could've just said that maybe we can become friends but it's too late for that.

I waited for her to say something, stop me and talk about what happened but there was nothing.

"I'm going." It was the last words I said before going out of their dorm and it was answered by her just humming and pretending to sleep.


Hobi was already sleeping when I arrived, instead of climbing up to my bed, I sat on his. Thinking, wondering— on how could I have changed the situation.

Of course, I enjoyed having intercourse with her. It was exhilarating to say the least— but I wanted something more than that. I hoped for something more than that.

I wished we could have talked some more, laugh at her jokes and watch her laugh at mine. I want to hear about her thoughts about certain topics I was passionate about.

I want to see her face as she wakes up in the morning. Watch her shield herself from the sun as I hugged her.

"I thought you're gonna sleep somewhere else." Hobi muttered as he rubbed his eyes.

"Got kicked out." I admitted and Hobi immediately rose from his bed causing him to bumped his head.

I was laughing when he pushed me. "You got laid?" He asked with a huge grin on his face.

"Kinda." I said.

"Your dick wasn't able to tell if it was in or— "Hobi tried to coach it out of me.

"If the girl you're interested with is into one night stand— how do you move on from that?" I asked instead of answering his question.

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