III: A Bad Decision

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"No." You said before you crossed your arms across your chest. "Please Val! Pretty please! Just this once! Because I can't go there alone! Please!" She pleaded with her hands clasped together, lips puckered to a sad pout.

"Misaki, you know I hate parties so why bother ask me to come with you?" You stated and leaned against the chair before you crossed your legs. "Plus, I don't know anyone there, I didn't even take Mass Com!" You almost screamed.

For the past thirty minutes, you and Misaki had been arguing about the reunion in your apartment. 'She knew you didn't like parties yet she wanted you to go with her? What kind of crap is that?'

"Please Val, just this once and I promise I'll never do it again!" She clutched onto your arm like a child and knelt down. "I'll buy you pizza." She sang and looked up to you with a smirk.

'Oh no Pizza?' She knew your weakness and she's using it against you. "Don't you dare." You threatened and pointed a finger at her. She stood up as her smirk grew.

"The triple cheese combo and extra cheese stuffing, with peperoni and mushroom on top. Doesn't that sound really delicious?" She said and emphasized every word.

She raised a brow with the teasing smirk still plastered on her lips. "Isn't that your favorite? Too bad, you don't want to go with me so you won't be getting any-." You cut her off. "Alright! I'll go with you! Just as long as you get me pizza."

Your best friend smiled victoriously while you watched her throw a fist in the air. "Oh my god Val! You're the best!" She threw her arms around you like someone just proposed to her. "Y-you're suffocating m-me."

Her eyes widened in realization that she was indeed suffocating you. "Sorry." She smiled sheepishly before she laughed. "Okay first we need to pick an outfit."

(relatable tbh) *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

"You are not going in that." Misaki pointed a finger at your choice of clothes with a face of disgust.

You wore a big oversized grey shirt and a pair of black leggings with black low cut converse to finish the look. You brows flew upwards at her judgement.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" You crossed your arms over your chest with an unimpressed look.

"Considering you've never gone a house party, there are standards when it comes to clothes." She says before eyeing you up and down. "And your outfit doesn't really.... pass those certain standards." She opened your closet and rummaged through your clothes. "Let's see.....Aha!"

"I don't remember buying that." You scratched your head. "Well this is the kind of outfit you wear at a party." She said before she shoved the clothes to you. Like literally. You shuffled towards the bathroom as your enthusiastic best friend pushed you.

You changed to the outfit she chose and looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror. You tilted your head at the sight of yourself, the outfit was simple and a bit revealing but not enough to make you uncomfortable. It was a black fitted wrap crop top with abstract floral designs and a v neck that dipped low enough to reveal a small portion of your cleavage along with puffy sleeves that ran down to your wrists.

Once you got out of the bathroom Misaki dropped her phone and squealed so loud that you were sure people up at North Korea had heard it.

"Oh my god you're ready to steal someone's man!" She practically shook you while she jumped happily. "You should reveal more skin. You have a killer body!" She had picked up her pink Iphone before she took a photo of you. She looked at the photo on her phone and showed it to you. You looked at yourself posing awkwardly and pursed your lips in a thin line. "That's gonna be your outfit and you're not gonna wear anything else." She squealed again. 

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