II: Invitation

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(This is where shit begins)


   Misaki never actually thought her day would go smoothly. No demanding customers, no perverted creeps who would sneakily touch her from behind or under the table whenever she'd be serving customers. At last she can breathe.

"Uhm, I'll have a vanilla latte with those blueberry cupcakes you guys have, take out thanks." Misaki nodded behind the counter, taking note of every word the man said. She smiled at the man before she peeled off the piece of paper and gave it to the employee who passed behind her. The employee walked in the kitchen and clipped the order on the hanger before he disappeared. "Take a seat and just wait for your order sir." She said.

Misaki put down her pen and notepad before she looked up. Expecting a new customer, she was left confused when she saw the same man standing before her giving her a strange look. She tried to think that he wasn't one of the perverted customers that would always get her day ruined but the look he was giving her wasn't helping.

"Do you need anything else sir?" She asked, the man lifted a hand and pointed a finger at her. "Your Misaki right? Ashiro Misaki?" The man asked. Misaki was left confused. 'How did he know her?' She had a nametag on her breast pocket but it didn't have her surname, and she didn't remember being friends with any guys, although she was a friendly person, she didn't know the man.

"Yes, not to be rude, but do I know you?" She asked with scrunched brows. The man suddenly laughed which left Misaki even more confused. "I'm sorry, you don't but we met once."

Misaki stared at the man's face and tried to find any familiarity. His brunette hair resembled a bowl, he had a tall nose, big brown doe eyes, plump pink lips and big front teeth.

He wore a grey v-neck sweater with his sleeves rolled up to reveal his biceps that Misaki had to admit, was kind of hot. A small black backpack hung on his shoulders, the faded blue jeans he wore that can be seen from behind the counter hugged his thighs nicely, she took note of his thick thighs that can make any girl's mouth water.

But then again, he wasn't familiar. She tilted her head while her brows crashed. 'Who is this hot stranger?'

The man laughed again at Misaki's confused face. "It's Jeon Jungkook from collage, although we aren't in the same year I always see you around." He said before he outstretched his hand out to her, Misaki took his hand gladly and shook it.

"Oh Jungkook! You're that guy that found my missing backpack!" She asked and Jungkook nodded. "I'm so sorry! It's just, I have a really bad memory."

"No it's okay, not everyone can remember everything." Jungkook said as he made dismissive hand gestures. "Oh, by the way." He started, which immediately grabbed Misaki's attention.

"There's this house party and I'm invited. I was thinking maybe you can come with me?" He then placed a flyer on the table that read 'MASS COM REUNION!!! Friday 7pm!!!'

"It's a reunion?" She asked and tilted her head as she read the flyer. "Yeah! And since you took Mass Com I decided to invite you. Uhm it's tomorrow at Lawrence's house. You know Lawrence Albert?" Jungkook said scratching his nape sheepishly.

"Yeah I know Lawrence, but I don't think I would know a lot of people that'll be there because I don't have a lot of friends." She chuckled nervously as she lied and pushed the flyer towards Jungkook with her fingertips. "So, no cuz I won't enjoy the party that much. I'll turn into one of those couch stoners that only stand up for drinks or food." She gave him a nervous smile.

Honestly, Misaki didn't care about not knowing people because she'd gladly make friends and mingle with some of them, she loved going to parties and having a little bit of fun, maybe even get drunk along the way.

She thought that if she came with the Jeon Jungkook to a house party filled with her former gossiping classmates, unwanted rumors would spread, after all, he is one of campus' heartthrobs and some girls are over dramatic.

She also thought about you, she knew you'd decline if she asked you to come with her. You hated parties especially if you didn't know anyone there. You'd rather stay at home and be lazy. And she couldn't go there alone. So she declined.

"Oh, I get it." Jungkook started and stroked his chin. "You don't want to go to the reunion because you think if you came with me they're gonna spread rumors right?" He said with a smirk pulled at his lips. 'Among other reasons yes.' He place a palm on the counter and leaned on it. "It isn't gonna be crazy. There'll only be students, alcohol, music maybe even some party games." He smiled and tilted his head at her and pouted. "I promise."

Misaki released a loud sigh and looked at Jungkook. 'Why did he had to be so cute? And why did God made me so soft?' She thought. "Alright, but I'll go with a friend, I don't want to go alone." She pursed her lips into a thin line, Jungkook nodded before releasing a small 'Yeah!'

Misaki smiled at him. "I'm just going to get your coffee." She then went to the kitchen before she came back out with a white paper bag labeled 'Coffee Cup' with their logo.

"One vanilla latte and a blueberry cupcake to go." She handed the bag to Jungkook who gladly took it with a smile still plastered on his lips, he handed her his payment before he said. "So tomorrow at seven okay? Don't miss it." Misaki nodded and laughed. "Tomorrow, I'll meet you there don't worry."

Misaki stared at the flyer that is still on the counter and sigh, she took the flyer and put it in her pocket.

Jungkook took one last glance at Misaki before he headed straight to the door. He pushed the glass doors open and walked towards the black Mercedes Benz parked on the street, he fished his keys out of his pocket and unlocked his car. Before he opened the car door he looked at the Japanese waitress in the café and smirked mischievously.

He opened the car door and got in his car and started it. The sound of revving engines were heard as he plopped his backpack beside him. He put his hands on the steering wheel before he started laughing crazily.

He looked at himself on the rearview mirror before he muttered. "Step one complete."




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