Washburr - Power Difference

Start from the beginning

"Oh no, sir, that'd be horrible!" Aaron gasped, talking in a mock scared tone to go along with the role. "Please, sir, how can I make it up to you?"

"I have an idea or two," George said, trying to hide his smile.

He gently brushed Aaron's jawline with one thumb before grabbing ahold of Aaron's navy blue tie. Before George even tugged at it Aaron was already up on his feet. George smirked but said nothing. With a harsh tug, George lead Aaron into his office. Aaron felt his stomach do a flip when he saw Washington had left the curtains to his office window open. The windows in George's office fully covered the full wall. It was way over the top, but his boss claimed it was for 'environmental reasons'. Aaron could see the city lights from where he stood. They twinkled like stars, all in various colours and messy patterns; ironic since they drowned out the actual stars. The only light on in George's office was the lamp on his desk; which was as neat as always. After making sure the door was locked, George dragged Aaron over to the window and with little effort pushed him up against it. Aaron shuddered as he felt a rush of excitement run through his body.

"Here's what's going to happen," George whispered, leaning down to Aaron's ear. "You're going to be a good boy and let me do whatever pleases me. If I feel you've done a good job, I'll forget about your little outburst. Do I make myself clear?"

Aaron wasn't sure if he should answer, but a small squeeze from the hands holding his arms made him speak up. "Yes, sir."

"Good," George said, the grin could be heard in his voice.

Aaron gasped as George bit his ear without warning. George chuckled at his reaction, already amused by whatever he planned to do to Aaron. His boss let go of his arms in favour of unbuttoning Aaron's dress shirt. Aaron felt a tight lump in his chest as George deliberately went slow, making Aaron feel both vulnerable and ecstatic. This was one of many reasons why Aaron loved George. The way the man could easily send chills down his spine or turn him into putty in his hands. When George finally undid the last button, Aaron felt like he was buck naked. George gently traced his finger down Aaron's chest, making sure to touch every hickey he could see. Aaron felt his face heat up as goosebumps quickly arose. They were both late this morning because of George's need to renew the hickies decorating Aaron's skin.

"Such a filthy slut," George teased, pinching a hickey peeking out over his pants. Aaron jumped slightly but quickly held still again. George's hand went up to Aaron's neck, his hand rubbing Aaron's smooth skin. He clicked his tongue, disappointed at the lack of free space.

Without warning, George spun Aaron around and pushed him back against the glass. Aaron gasped sharply as George pulled down his dress shirt, leaving him exposed to the cold window. Aaron fought back a groan as the cold bit at his warm skin. Distracted by the sudden temperature change, Aaron forgot what George was doing until he felt teeth gently bite at the back of his neck. Shocked and caught off guard, Aaron gasped at the stinging sensation. George gently kissed the spot where he bit before finding a new area. He continued to find new places to bite and suck, enjoying the little noises Aaron made as he claimed new territory down Aaron's back.

"Such delicate skin," George commented, looking at his previous bites and seeing how they were already bruising. "No wonder you took this job as my pretty little secretary, you're not much use other than to be my little plaything."

Aaron knew those words were nothing more than playful taunts, but it still made his heartbeat with excitement to be talked to like that. "Yes, sir. You're little plaything."

The words that left his mouth sounded breathless yet still created a fog on the window. Aaron tried not to look at his reflection, knowing it'd just make him more embarrassed. But through the corner of his eye, Aaron could see he was a wreck. His lips were swollen from biting them repeatedly, his skin was covered in love bites, and his nipples were perked despite not having been touched. Looming over him, Aaron could see George staring down at his weak state. He didn't even try to hide his pleasure in seeing Aaron like this. Shamelessly grinning and rubbing his bulge against Aaron's ass. Aaron's fingers and toes curled as he tried to imagine what was going on in his boss' filthy mind. Aaron wondered if George had kept that vibrator in his desk, or maybe he had bought the anal beads he'd threatened to shove up Aaron's ass last week. The mere thought of it made Aaron's ass tense, wanting to be be stuffed so well. His imagination was cut short as George pressed him right up against the glass, creating a tight fit between George's firm chest and the glass wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2019 ⏰

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