"The one and only. You're Finnick's girl huh?"

My eyes widen at her perception of Finnick and I. It takes me by surprise that she thinks that, but I'm not going to deny that I wish it was true.

"Haha, no. We're just friends."

Immediately Johanna scoffs before breaking into loud laughter which causes everyone in the area to look at us weirdly. I stare, eyebrows raised in confusion at her actions.

"I've never heard anything more bullshit than that. Ever. Do you really believe that 'you're just friends?'"

I bite my lip nervously, a bit stranded on what to say back.

"Just think about it Aria," she sends me a smile before wandering off, most likely to her chariot.

I turn and notice Katniss' tense posture as she looks at Finnick uncomfortably. Nothing's new when I see the teasing smile plastered on the bronze haired victor's lips.

Finnick suddenly leans forward, closer to Katniss, and I can't deny the slight jealousy I feel. It's stupid, but it's there.

I decide to take the opportunity to save the Girl on Fire before Finnick burns. And maybe to stop the jealousy too.

"-what about you, Girl on Fire, any secrets worth my time?" I walk into Finnick's questioning.

"Lay off her, will you now Finnick?" I barge into their conversation, rolling my eyes at him. His face lights up with a smile when he sees me right in front of him. Katniss looks relieved that I decided to step in.

"Come on now Finnick, can't you tell you're scaring the poor girl," I snort at him, unimpressed with the first impression he's made.

"Just a friendly introduction, no harm in that," he smirks.

A little bit too friendly it looked like.

I can see Katniss rolling her eyes in disbelief and I can't help but laugh at how she's reacting to Finnick right now.

"Get out of here with that thing," I demand, pushing him away from District 12's female victor.

"It's a fishing net," he corrects.

"Yeah, I'm sure the fishes would love it." This gets a breathily laugh to come from Katniss as Finnick just scowls, leaving the scene.

"My sincere apologies for him. Doesn't have any brain cells. I'm beginning to think it's from all the times when he got whacked in the face with a fishing rod. What can I say? Some blonds are more dumb than others," I admit, shrugging.

"You seem pretty on spot there," the Girl on Fire laughs lightly before her face falls serious. A mask falling over her in a split second.

I could feel myself being judged by Katniss, but it's not a threatening look she's giving me, it's more thoughtful. I can't pinpoint what would be going through her mind right now, so I just stand there in silence.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Peeta Mellark approaching us. He looks at me carefully and then at Katniss as if looking for a judgement on me. She doesn't give him one.

I turn to face the District 12 victor, a kind smile on my face as I hide my inner fears.

"Peeta." I nod towards him and he does the same.

"Tributes mount up!" A voice blasts through the speakers. I cringe slightly at the sound.

"I better get going. Nice to meet you both," I tell the couple.

"You too." Peeta and Katniss direct a small smile at me before I speed to my chariot where Finnick is waiting.

"Thought you'd be left in my dust," he chuckles, looking at me.

"You wouldn't leave me behind, Odair."

Finnick puts his fingers under his chin in thought before breaking into a smirk.

"I guess you're right, Mitchell." He takes my hand, pulling me into the chariot with a smile that I return.

Finnick and I hold hands as the chariot is pulled forward to the awaiting crowd.


Another chapter done and dusted!

The Games are getting closer now so stay tuned!

Hope you enjoyed!

Cheers x

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