I mocked him, "I think we should be here."

He frowned, "Aren't you a celebrity?"

I smiled, "Yes! 

The little boy shrugged, "Okay."

I laughed, "I'm Selena Gomez, silly."

The little boy and girl exchanged a look, "Um, cool."

I rolled my eyes when the woman walked in, "I know exactly who you are my dear, I have a very good surprise for celebrity visitors. Boy, girl, help me make dinner."

Finally, someone who knows I am a big deal. The boy and girl groaned, "Do we have to?"

The woman gave them a serious look, "We've been over this. Yes."

They followed her and the woman turned and said, "Make yourself comfortable whilst we make your meal."

I nodded and plopped down on the couch in front of the television, sitting on the table were bowls of chips, don't mind if I do. Ooh, there was one barbecue, one sour cream and onion, one original and one cheddar cheese. I alternated large handfuls between each bowl. I chewed loudly and watched reruns of Grey's Anatomy. I was mindlessly snacking for at least two episodes when I looked down and realized the bowls were all still full. Guess I wasn't eating as much as I thought I was. 

Finally, the woman came back and said, "The table is all set for you, my dear."

I eagerly followed her to the kitchen where a large table spread of a huge thanksgiving style meal was waiting for me. Piles and piles of mashed potatoes, a massive turkey, stuffing, cheesy potatoes, gravy, biscuits, sweet potato and green bean casseroles, Mac and cheese, and cranberry sauce. I sat down and said, "This looks delicious."

The woman smiled, "And it's all for you. Hansel, make her a plate, guests never have to do any work here."

My stomach grumbled as he filled up my plate, I had no idea I was so hungry. I took one bite of the turkey and I practically moaned I screamed, "This is amazing!"

The woman smiled, "Good, now be a good guest and eat it all."

My first six plates were easy, I shoveled down bite after bite of food. Each bite tasting better and my mouth not moving fast enough to get it down. I dismissed using forks and just used my hands, shoving the food into my mouth salivating before it hit my teeth. I kept going and going when my stomach began to ache.

The woman noticed my discomfort and said, "Selena, my dear what is wrong?"

I moaned with my mouth full, "My tummy hurts."

"Oh no, we can't have that, Grettel, rub her stomach while she eats."

Grettel made a face but walked over and rubbed my stomach while I ate more. I finished and let out a huge burp. My t-shirt rose up my swollen belly and I shrugged, "Happens all the time."

The woman smiled, "You are perfect. Now, for desert, Hansel bring in the pies."

Hansel brought in five pies and the woman sighed, "Selena, I wish we could give you more but I was worried after dinner you simply wouldn't be able to eat them all."

She then looked at me with my face already deep into the apple pie and smirked, "I see fullness isn't an issue for you."

In between bites I guzzled down coke and finally I was done with the pies and I felt so stuffed I couldn't move. The woman had Hansel and Grettel carry me to bed and I collapsed into the soft sheets, my stomach full and happy. The next morning I woke up to the smell of bacon. I rose without hesitation and walked to the table, waiting there was a massive continental breakfast buffet. The woman smiled, "Dig in, Selena."

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