Judge Rules

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If you are not interested in applying to be a judge, you can ignore this.

1. Follow watellx and -GenreAwards- permanently! This account follows all Judges back!

2. Be active! Do not sign up to be a judge if you know you will back out later or not have time to judge the books. If you find a book difficult to judge or you would like to back out (at least 2 weeks in advance), please contact me!

3. Read each entry carefully! This has to be fair!

4. No favoritism! If someone you know has an entry, do not judge them perfectly! Be honest about their entry! It only helps them and keeps this fair.

5. When the genre(s) your judging is full, then start judging!

6. Send the result/grading through PM or Email! Use the Judging Criteria to judge the entry. Then, email me the results/amount of points for each part.
(Ex. Grammar: 14/15 points, Plot: 12/15, etc.)

7. Reply to my messages!

8. Add the book to your library and/or public reading list to stay updated. Keep an eye out for when you see your genre's entries are full!

Password: Moonlight

9. You CANNOT judge the genre that you are participating in/have an entry in for (if you are a participant).

Next Chapter: Judge Form

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