Chapter 30

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November Reed

Positive: Nova stopped crying daily.

Negative: Nothing internally had changed for her about the entire situation.

Just as King Lucifer had explained, people... slowly began to start to flock around her for the wedding. Not... just the wedding, however. Though the hovered around her to get measurements for the dress and whatnot, to which she remained emotionless, they also began to talk to her about... more security-related things.

For example, the fact that she's likely never going to be able to leave the palace again without a guard. Because she's going to be... part of the royal family.


Days seemed to go by like this. The information would be shoved down her throat or her arm would be held out to measure or gather whatever information they needed. And she listened - of course she would listen. This was apparently going to be her life now.

But she just... didn't give her own personal opinions on that. She just, as she had planned, remained an emotionless doll. Internally, Nova made plenty of snarky comments. She sometimes even made jokes, though only she would hear it since she never opened her mouth.

Hell, Nova didn't even let herself open her mouth to ask a question.

Going under the radar and being a pushover doll seemed easiest for everyone.

...Being a pushover Queen Consort.

Nonetheless, days like this seemed to pass. Nova rarely traveled out of her bedroom and merely stuck to herself. When she had free time, she painted or talked to Eve through the phone. She hadn't really... talked to her father since moving into the palace. Primarily... because he wasn't really happy with her at the moment. She didn't even know what was going to happen in regards to her father walking her down the aisle during the shotgun wedding. Nova hadn't talked to him. Had King Lucifer?

She wasn't certain.

The only other time she left her bedroom was to visit, surprisingly, the garages. She found talking with Duke extremely relaxing, since she felt like there wasn't expectations. Hell, hiding behind the tinted windows made Nova feel like she could be herself around Duke.

And she was. Quite literally, the only place in the palace she allowed herself to be... more herself was in the back seat of the car with Duke. Outside of the car, she returned to her ragdoll state.

Day by day, time just... went by. Nova felt like her life was on repeat. Copying and pasting the day before on the current day. She rarely socialized with the royal family, mostly because they didn't come out of their way to see her too much and she definitely didn't go out of her way to see them.

Hell, Nova only ate one meal a day just to avoid them. Mostly... because dinner turned out to be a forced 'family' occasion. It got to the point that Duke went out and bought Nova lunch and brought it back.

...She greatly appreciated that.

It was on her wedding day that she was currently sitting in the back of Duke's car, technically the royal family's car, eating a burger from some fast food restaurant. The wedding wasn't until tonight anyway.

...Though she did briefly think that people might be panicking inside if they can't find her. But who cares. She's hungry. They only need her to say the 'I do' part anyway.

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