Chapter 5: The meeting

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sorry if this chapter is kinda crappy ;////// I needed an excuse for our bby boy Harry and Mr No nose to be together more often :) 

Harry POV:  

Harry tediously climbed the steps to the headmasters office and nervously waited outside of the statue that concealed the office from the perspective of an onlooker. Taking a look at the pre-given note in his pocket, he stared at the password 

"Wolfsbane" he quietly uttered, breaking the empty silence of the morning. The statue moved, revealing another set of stairs spiralling upwards. With a small gulp, Harry steeled his nerves and started to climb the steps. 

After a minute of climbing the steps, Harry arrived at a landing with a few doors and an open space filled with many different artefacts, all strange and whimsical but nonetheless grandiose. 

His eyes caught a small, frail man who seemed as if he was time itself, his every wrinkle telling a different story. With a gentle smile, Headmaster Dippet beckoned Harry to sit in front of him. 

Harry did so and placed his bag with all of the necessary books inside of it, Orion casted something he called an "expansion charm" on the bag and managed to fit all of his books inside of it. When Harry asked if it would be too heavy to carry, Orion let out a bark of laughter and proceeded to cast a "featherweight charm" which made the bag impossibly light.

He then turned to the Headmaster and gave him a nod of acknowledgement as he folded his hands nervously on his knees. 

"Hello Asmodeus, I have heard a little from Madam Alinora about your... predicament," the  headmaster spoke cordially as he gestured to Harry's head. 

"In the mean time I have asked the head boy, who is conveniently in your house to accompany you in all of your classes."

Harry must have looked confused to the headmaster as the old man beamed, 'Oh that's right, you two met in the infirmary"

At first, Harry's first thought was Orion, but Orion didn't seem to be the particularly studious type with his bedraggled hair and crooked smile. 

"Why the head boy is Tom Riddle of course"

At the mention of Riddle's name, Harry felt all the blood drain from his face, to help conceal his shock, Harry quickly shot a strained smile at the headmaster. 

The headmaster was either very naïve or very ignorant as he ignored the flustered glances Harry was throwing in every direction. 

"Very well then Asmodeus, Off you go then!" Harry sent a final, small smile at Headmaster Dippet and briskly left the landing.

When he arrived at the bottom of the stairs, Orion was waiting impatiently for him, tapping his foot in a rhythmic beat. Harry softly grinned at the boys antics and softly approached him. 

As soon as Orion spotted him, his entire face lit up in an effervescent smile, making the world around them seem so much brighter.

Orion then dragged Harry by the arm and headed towards the great hall. As soon as they entered Harry was entranced by the architecture of the hall, the morning sky shone from above him instead of a normal roof. With a tug of Orions hand, Harry's concentration was broken and he was willingly led to a seat at the Slytherin table

Harry glanced at the golden trays of breakfast foods as his mouth salivated from the scents of coffee and pain au chocolat. Orion slyly grinned next to the dark haired boy and offered him some tea. 

With a small smile, Harry accepted the tea and happily helped himself to fruit and pastries. The pastry was so soft it practically melted in his mouth, filling it with the sweet, joyful taste of sugar. Making a soft happy noise, Harry turned to face Orion who shot him a mischievous happy look until his eyes met who was sitting in front of Harry. 

Judging from Orions reaction, Harry already felt like he knew who was sitting in front of him. The infamous Tom Riddle. 

Turning slowly to face the front, Harry met the navy blue eyes of Tom Riddle, who to most people's notice looked friendly and charming but Harry was not fooled by the look in his eyes. 

"So Asmodeus, I've heard that you are going to accompany me for the next month due to your... problem. Is what I have heard true?" 

Harry glanced at Riddle's chiselled jawline and gulped, he could slightly see the veins that were practically popping from his neck. 

"Yes, that is what I have heard from Headmaster Dippet." Harry uttered cautiously, looking for a sign in Riddle that would mean immediate death for him. 

Thankfully, Tom realised that his "Perfect boy" cover was going to be blown if he let Harry agitate him enough. 

He calmed down and gave Harry a beautiful smile, showcasing his perfect teeth. Was any part of his body imperfect? 

"alright, I'll wait for you in the hall outside." Riddle sighed softly and started to walk towards the doors of the great hall. He then stopped and looked back at Harry. 

"Oh and make sure you come in the next two minutes, I like to be early to all of my classes." Harry snorted inwardly, as he glared at the back of the now retreating Riddle. 

His eager attitude and teachers pet mindset slightly reminded him of someone but the more he wracked his brain to search for the person, the further away the memory got. All he knew for certain was seeing a full head of frizzy brown hair. 

He quickly finished his cup of tea and grabbed one final pastry before getting up and heading for the doors of the great hall, cursing Tom Riddle's name inwardly every step of the way. 

Harry let out a long sigh as he reached the door, hesitating a second before opening the door, with the moment over, he quickly opened the door and stepped outside. 

He really couldn't wait for the day to be over and to be safe from the wrath of the handsome yet dangerous Tom Riddle. 

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