Chapter 2: Disturbance

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Asmodeus Belial Lestrange awoke to loud sounds of an argument above his bed. Groaning softly, he opened his eyes to see two unfamiliar people at his bedside. The boy, a tall redheaded teen with a long thin nose and the girl with prominently bushy hair were talking, quite loudly about the newest assignment.

"For the fiftieth time Ronald, I will not help you write your potions essay, you need to come up with it on your own, meanwhile Harry here is suffering from a rather nasty hit from a bludger and still hasn't woken up. It's been two weeks!" she said huffing as she looked over to Asmodeus's side.

"Harry! you're awake! We really thought you weren't going to wake up from this one!" joked the Redhead.

"My name isn't Harry, It's Asmodeus, and what are you on about?" asked Asmodeus with a frown.

The redhead, Ronald shook his head at him jokingly. "Blimey Harry, you've gone and gotten yourself a memory change, have you? is that what being unconscious for two weeks does to someone? never seen it before!"

Asmodeus decided to play along as "Harry" for now, he would get his answers later.

"I was just kidding! I remember everything! You take things too seriously Ronald."

The redhead gave him a weird look. "Since when do you call me Ronald mate? It's just Ron." With a pained smile, Asmodeus nodded surveying the room. He spotted a notable difference in equipment, it was much more advanced. His eyes widened. Looking down at himself he had definitely propelled himself into the future.

"Can you bring me a mirror?" asked Asmodeus placidly at Ronald, who nodded and informed the bushy-haired girl who he had addressed as " 'Mione' " to bring a mirror.

The girl nodded and grabbed the nearest mirror, which was coincidentally right next to them on the table and handed it to Asmodeus.

Stifling a gasp, Asmo looked at his new body in shock, the eyes shocking him completely. Emerald green eyes gleamed fervently in the mirror as he took in the new contours of his face. He had a straight nose, aesthetic looking skin and what seemed to be soft kissable lips. His hair, an untamable jungle of ebony strands. The hair unmistakably belonged to a Potter. He snarled inwardly. He had taken residence in a body of a Potter?

He decided that fate had cruelly intervened between this coincidence. That darned Fleamont Potter could never take "no" for an answer. He tried to erase his memories of that night.

He was a Gryffindor? and a Potter? his father would be rolling in his grave if he found out. He stared up at his two supposed friends decided that he would stick around with them for now, they seemed alright. For Gryffindors.

The mediwitch in the new Hogwarts bustled around his bedside table, quickly assessing him for any other injuries. When nothing was found, he was released, but not before talking to the new headmaster, Professor Dumbledore.

So the bigoted Idiot somehow managed to be the headmaster of Hogwarts? Asmodeus narrowed his eyes at the imminent danger of the situation, he knew nothing about this Potter he was inhabiting.

"Harry m'boy, how is your head feeling after that rather nasty incident?" asked Dumbledore with that annoying twinkling gaze of his.

Asmodeus gritted his teeth into a fake smile and beamed up at the headmaster. "I feel quite alright actually Professor! In fact I feel more rested now than I have in a few weeks!" He said with fake cheeriness flooding his tone.

"That's great Harry, I trust that you are well enough to resume our weekly sessions and your school work soon? correct?" asked the old fool, trying so hard to manipulate him. Huh, so this was what it was like to be in Gryffindor and in favour of the old fool. It left a rather rotten taste in his mouth.

Asmodeus nodded and Dumbasadoor left him and his... "friends" in peace. Inhaling deeply, Asmodeus knitted his brows together. How was he going to ask for the date without looking suspicious?

"Hey Hermoine, has the new year passed yet? You told me I've been knocked out for two weeks." He asked, assuming the day he had gone through time was the same plus adding the two weeks he was unconscious. Hermoine shook her head, "The new year is in five days, it's still 1996." Asmodeus nodded trying to minimise the overly shocked look on his face with a smile.

"Great, then I get to spend it with you!" Said Asmodeus in a cheery tone. He winced mentally as his own personality was far from the goofy, naïve boy "Harry Potter" seemed to be. He placed his feet on the floor and took a few tentative steps towards the door.

Fuck. He didn't know where the Gryffindor dorms were. He tried to seem as unsuspicious as possible and waited for the duo to take over. The aforementioned pair shared a glance and shrugged. He was probably fatigued.

Following them up the stairs, he almost fell through a step. "Honestly mate, how did you forget about the trick step? You've known about it since first year!" Asmo shrugged, " 'm tired Ron." With a deep sigh, Ron continued up the stairs with Asmodeus behind him, tentatively testing each step with his foot to see if it was solid.

When they arrived at the top of the stairs, a fat lady in a pink robe greeted them heartily, clearly drunk out if her brains. For Merlin's sake do portraits tend to get drunk at 3 o'clock in the afternoon?


"Amortentia." Said Hermoine, boredom colouring her tone. "Sure is!" Chortled the fat woman hysterically as she gave them a drunken smile. The portrait swung open into a warm, red themed room.

The common room was welcoming in every sense, the fire warm enough to sleep in front of, even though it was only 3pm, the armchairs velvety and seemingly comfortable. He sat down on one just as soon as Ron came running to him.

"Harry it was Christmas yesterday! You need to open your presents!" With a big sigh, Asmodeus forced himself to stand and walk towards what he though were the dorms.

"Harry mate, you do realise that those are the girls dorms right?" With a humongous blush now present on his face, Asmodeus proceeded to awkwardly turn around and run his hands though his hair as a gesture of "I was just joking."

"Of course I know mate, I was only joking." He tried to untangle his fingers from his hair, but it wasn't working. When was the last time Potter brushed his hair? 12 years ago? Finally with a bit of effort his fingers came free from his locks

He turned to the other staircase and proceeded to climb it, following an overly hyperactive Ron. When he arrived at the room, he noticed a small pile of presents on his bed.

Asmodeus felt guilty for opening the presents, but he let his inner instincts kick in and like an excited kid, he ripped open them all. In the midst of the presents, there was a hand-knitted sweater with the letter 'H' on it in green, he also found fudge and a card from the sender, Mrs Weasley, Ron's mother. He smiled, his parents never did that for him at all.

When dinner time came around, he headed down to the great hall accompanied by Ron and Hermoine. When he entered, he instinctively wanted to go to the Slytherin table but then he remembered. He took a seat adjacent to Hermoine and opposite of Ron.

He took a big slice of salmon onto his plate in which both Hermoine and Ron frowned at. "Harry you hate fish!" Said Hermoine, clearly confused. Convinced to pull this off, he offered a smile "I wanted to try it for a change." He dug in while Hermoine and Ron shot each other matching looks of concern.

While eating, his eyes flitted around the great hall until they landed on a particular Slytherin. One with blonde hair and pale blue eyes. His cheeks reddened and his mind went a million miles an hour.

"Huh, this isn't gonna be as bad as I thought." He speculated with a smirk.

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