Chapter 2: Visiting the village and Reinhold Manor Awaits.

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It's been a few months, everything was okay in town of London, well... everything was not completely okay. Apparently, Professor Layton, Ariel, Luke and Luna went to go to a mysterious village to investigate.
They were inside of Professor Layton'a car, driving to the curious village.
Professor and Ariel were in the front sit while Luna and Luke were in the back sit.
Then Professor Layton takes out a envelope they received yesterday morning and show it to Ariel.
Ariel look at the envelope curiously, she grab the letter and pass it to Luke. Luke opens the envelope and started reading it.

Luke: "I don't understand, Professor.
Why are we going to help solve an inheritance dispute?"

Professor Layton: "Luke, my boy, do you really think it would take on such an ordinary request as that?"

Ariel: "Oh, dear! This is an altogether unique and exciting situation, and it has piqued my intellectual curiosity.
But...I suppose it would be best to explain the case before we arrive at our destination.
I think I remember correctly, it happened to be months ago,
Baron Augustus Reinhold passes away. Shortly after his death, his will was disclosed. The contents of it were fascinating, to say the least."

Luna: -Looks at the envelope-
"Huh? It says here 'The Reinhold family treasure, the golden Apple, is hidden somewhere within this village. To whoever successfully located this treasure, I offer the whole of my estate.' That's...kinda weird."

Professor Layton: "Well, Naturally, those who attended the reading of the Will immediately set out in search of the Golden Apple.
But in the end, everybody came back empty handed. It turns out that no one has even heard of such a treasure existing until its mention in the will."

Luke: "Wow, that's some puzzle, all right."

Luna: "Yeah, that's quite a puzzle Professor!"
-Says excited-

Professor Layton: "Quite. Augustus Reinhold staked his entire fortune just to create one more puzzle before his death."

Ariel: "What a perplexing individual!
I wish we could have met him while he was still alive, Professor."

Luke: "It certainly sound like you three would've gotten along, Professor!
By the way, just what is this Golden Apple anyhow?"

Professor Layton: "Quite speculate it's a rare antique, while others say it could be a gem,
yet it's identity remains elusive.
But, Luke, I can't shake the feeling that this matter is linked to some larger mystery. Something huge."

Luke: "Aha! It that your famous intuition acting up again, Professor?"

Ariel: "Hmm...Well, our first step is getting to town."

Luna: "This is all so exciting!
I hope St. Mystere is ready for the famous archeologist and puzzle solving detective, Hershel Layton!"

Professor Layton: "Ha ha! Oh, Luna, you know as well as I do that I am no detective."

Luke: "Well, at least we have our famous detective to help us, Ariel Blare!"

Ariel: "Hah hah hah, well, according to the envelope, Augustus Reinhold's wife, Lady Dahlia, has asked us to investigate the situation.
It seems she came across our names by chance when reading an article about us in the papers."

Luke: "And you guys immediately decided to take her up on her request, eh?

Professor Layton: "Ho ho! Well, Luke, a true gentleman never refuses the request of a beautiful lady. Even for a brave detective like Ariel."

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