Chapter 1: Meeting the Professor and the apperentice

Start from the beginning

Professor Layton: "Of course."
-Looks at Luke-
"Luke, why don't we take them to my office house?"

Luke: "Oh course! Follow us!"

-On Professor Layton's office house-

Professor Layton: "Luke, why don't you make some tea for the guesses?"

Luke: "Sure thing, Professor!"
-Walks to the kitchen-

Luna: "I will help you, Luke!"
-Follows him from behind-

Professor Layton: -Sits on the couch-
"Now, tell me, what brings you and your sister here? Maybe I can help you with something."

Ariel: "Well..."
-Sits next to him-
"Apparently a detective named Inspector Chelmey send us here to help in London.
Since he was the only detective in London,
so he send a letter saying he needs some detectives in London."

Professor Layton: "Hmm...I see."

Ariel; "Oh! I almost forgot."
-Takes out letter and gives it to Layton-
"Here, this is another letter from to my parents. Apparently, my parents has something to say to me and my sister before they...die."

Professor Layton: "........"
-Grabs the letter and starts reading it-
'To our dearest Daughter Ariel:
If you reading this, I might say I be gone soon with your mother.
I want you and your sister to move on and stayed strong as ever.
I'm sorry if we are leaving you two all hurts us so much seeing you two suffering about our death, but listen to this,
I want you to find this man who is living in town of London.
His name is Professor Hershel Layton.
He will help you with your adventures you might want to know.
I want you, Ariel, to be the bravest girl for us.
I also heard you becoming a detective, me and your mother are so happy hearing the good news. 
Please...don't get any trouble and take care of your sister.
We love you so much honey,stay strong for us
Love mom and dad <3'

Professor Layton: "......."
-Looks at Ariel-

Ariel: "I-I didn't know this will happened until I read the note...I can't be alive they died...."
-Covers her face while tears were
falling to her cheeks-

Luke: -Walks beside Luna with the tea set-
"Here's the tea Profe--Huh? Ms. Blare...are you okay?"

Ariel: -wipes her tears away and looks at Luke-
"O-Oh! Luke, I'm okay.
Don't worry about me."

Luna: -Walks to Ariel and sits on the right side of the couch while hugs her tightly-
"It's okay sis...I know we miss mom
and dad....but remember, they are watching us from above us."

Ariel: *Sniff*
"I know..."

Luke: "......."
-Puts down the tea set on the table
and looks at Layton-

Professor Layton: "........"
-Looks at Luke then look back at Ariel-

Luke: -Goes to Ariel and sits on the left side of the couch while hugs her too-
"It's okay...we're here fo you."

Ariel: -Chuckles and hugs them-
"Thank you you two..."

Professor Layton: "...Ms. Blare?"

Ariel: -Looks at the Professor Layton-
"Yes, Layton?"

Professor Layton: "I been thinking lately...How about you and your sister will be my new assistants?"

Ariel: -Looks in shock-
"...!--Really, Hershel Layton? Are you sure about...being your new assistant?"

Professor Layton: "I'm completely sure about what I'm saying, Ms. Blare."

Luna: -Looks happily shocked-
"Really, Professor?! We're going to be your new assistants!??"

Professor Layton: *Nods*
"Of course."

Luna: "Yay!!!"
-Jumps up and down on the couch-
"I'm Professor Layton's new assistant! I'm Professor Layton's new assistant!!"

Ariel: "Luna, be careful!"

Luke: *Laughs happily*

Professor Layton: *Smiles*

Ariel: -Looks at the clock-
"Oh dear...we must going now."
-Gets up from the couch-
"Well, we should be going now.
Maybe we find a motel around the town."

Luna: -Stops jumping-
"Awwwww, but I don't want to go."

Ariel: "I know Luna, but the Professor is busy. We will come back here late or tomorrow."

Luke: "Yeah, Ms. Blare's  right.
Me and the Professor are going to a mysterious village in a few months.
Right, Professor?"

Professor Layton: "Indeed, my boy."

Ariel: "Okay, we will be there at your door by tomorrow morning."
-Walks to the door and opens it-
"Goodbye, Professor Layton"
-Exits the office house-

Luna: -Waves goodbye at Luke and Layton-
"Bye Professor and Luke!"
-Follows Ariel from behind-

So This is the started of a new adventure for Ariel Blare and Luna Blare.

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