Botbots Part 2

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As Starscream was celebrating his creation, the energy shock from the weapon charger rebounded through the whole decepticon base.

"Ogh no" - Starscream shrieked, seeing how all the lights started to flicker before going offline.

"Agh that's what you get for dozing off during the technics class Starscream"

"Beep" - Said Duhnut jumping out of Starscream arms. His body was pulsating out some weird living/weaponised energon radiation.

"Duhnut come back here it's a order!" - Starscream yelled at the small robot

"Starscream is that you? What are you doing here?" - Thundercracker asked walking in to the room seeing Starscream in the corner

"Ogh it's nothing Thundercracker. I just wanted to check what caused that energy feedback, and my scanners detected that it came from here" - Starscream lied pushing Duhnut in to the box of energised items

"Well...come here. I don't want to know what will scientists do if they would see you snooping around here"

"Yeh yeh I'm coming just gimme a second" - Starscream said trying to. Push the Duhnut in to the bottom of the box

"ALL ACTIVE DECEPTICONS IN THE BASE GET TO THE MEETING ROOM!"-the communicators of Starscream and Thundercracker roared with the voice of Megatron

"Eghm yes sir we are coming, quick Starscream we don't want to get desintegrated"-Thundercracker said leaving the room

As Starscream and Thundercracker walked out of the laboratory the radiation that came out of Duhnut stated to brush off on the rest of energised stuff which suddenly sprouted out in beeps and boops of life. This way a bunch of small transformers were born,with their simple programing the first thing that came to their procesorss was... "fun".
Jumping out of the box the robots started to scatter around the base through the ventilation chutes and hallways.

Back in the meeting room.

"So dose any of you slag procesora know what caused all of this?" - Megatron yelled looking at all the Decepticons in the room.

Nobody answered his question. Soundwave was confident in his inoccency,he was more interested in who was the cultript.
Wheezing Arrow, Skywarp and Thundercracker were stressed even tho they knew they didn't do it.
Only Starscream tried to play it cool even tho inside his procesor was running all the punishment sceneries Megatron would do if he found out.
Szarag was trying to logicly find out what happened.

"So we don't want to talk hmm? You scientist!What caused the malfunction. " - Megatron pointed his finger at Szarag

"Eghm, I was just thinking about it ogh lord Megatron. Maybey it's related to the" - Szarag slowly moved closer to Megatrons audio receptors
"Project BB" - Szarag whispered

"What do you think that?" - Megatron responded.

"As I said earlier to Starscream, the Energon of those earthling appliances was unstabile. Maybey the Energon somehow jolted out to the circuitry of our..."-Suddenly the Scientis was stopped

" did Starscream know about project BB?"-Megatron asked confused

"Was he not suppose to? He came in yesterday and told me he was suppose to supervise us"

"....STARSCREAAAM!"-Megatron yelled.

"Eghm...well lord Megatron, ogh the greatest lord of all, Master of destruction" - Starscream started pleading for his saftey.

"You are over Starscream I'm" - Megatron was suddenly stopped by the clanging in the vents.

"What the?" - Skywarp said

Suddenly the room started to change and a gigantic wall fell down hitting Megatron on his head.


"...dude not now...not now" - Wheezing Arrow put his hand on Starscreams shoulder.

"Eghm...sorry its kinda of a automatic thing now..."-Starscream responded

"Told ya he wouldn't survive a week withouth that" - Skywarp said getting 200 shanix from Thundercracker from a won bet

"Ogh boy...big dude is out...what do we do now?" - Szarag asked

"Skywarp, Wheezing Arrow, Thundercracker. Transport lord Megatron the the Med Bay. Starscream answear me what is happening here" - Soundwave comanded

"Wait...why me? I didn't do anything" - Starscream tried to defend himself

"You are lying Starscream. I can feel it in your brainwaves. Explain yourself"


"Guys I don't think we have time for bickering. We need to find out what is happening here" - Szarag responded.

"Maybey we should get to the energy room to get back the power!" - Starscream said pulling his Soundwave and Szarag out of the room.

The two teams ran to their respective locations while weird laughs and beeps could be heard through the vent chutes.

*To be continued*

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