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Evelyn's pov

It has been years since I started at Hogwarts and I was in 6th year. I had become best friends with Veille, Cateline and Lyn. The four of us were inseparable. I learned a lot about all of them.

Veille was half Veela and came from a prestigious French pure-blood family, she was the first one who wasn't 100% Wizard from her dad's side or 100% Veela from her mothers side. It was funny because Veela are creatures irresistible to men and a lot of guys have feelings for her but Veille is pan sexual and has a crush on a Ravenclaw girl named Cho Chang.

Cateline was a half blood Witch, her mum is a witch and her dad is a muggle, he got the shock of his life when Cateline got her Hogwarts letter. Apparently her mum had a lot of explaining to do for both of them.

Finally there was Lyn, she was a pure-blood Witch and the twin sister of the handsome Cedric Diggory. Lyn and her brother were so much alike it was scary sometimes. Lyn new that I liked Cedric and was determined for me to end up as her sister.

I was in potions that was shared with Hufflepuff. This was one of the few classes I had with Lyn and Cedric. We were making Amortentia, the most powerful love potion there was.

"You should slip some to my brother." Lyn said jokingly as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Shut it Hufflepuff (hoof-lé-poof)" I said pronouncing Hufflepuff weirdly making her laugh. "You know what this potion does. It doesn't make someone love you it makes them obsessed against their will. I would rather he like me of his own free will."

"Okay, Okay." Lyn said.

Lyn suddenly pointed at her brother who was making his way over to us.

"Hey Lyn, hey Evelyn." Cedric said.

"Hey Ced, what are you up to?" Lyn asked.

"I'm here in a dare." Cedric said as he approached my cauldron.

"Oh, so you hate us that much that you need to be dared to come talk to us." I asked teasingly.

"Of course not, the dare has nothing to do with that." Cedric replied.

"What stupid thing are you doing now?" Lyn asked.

"This." Cedric said as he quickly grabbed a glass scooped some potion in it and downed it before I could stop him. "Have I ever told you you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen?"

I looked at him, I felt my heart tighten. I really liked Cedric and knowing he was hitting on me against his will hurt.

"Get back to work Mr Diggory!" Snape sneered.

"I'll talk to you later beautiful." Cedric said with a wink as we walked off.

"What are we gonna do Lyn!? He drank the potion." I said to her in a panic.

"He'll be fine, it wears off after 24 hours." Lyn said.

Time skip

But that didn't happen, a week had passed and Cedric was still under the Amortentia potion's effects. I didn't know why, none of us could figure it out, not even Cateline who was the smartest person I knew. The only possible reasons could be that he drank way too much of the potion or I brewed the potion wrong.

I was sat in the library surrounded by potions books trying to find a way to help Cedric. Cateline was helping me go through all the books while Cedric clung to me.

"What are you doing gorgeous?" Cedric asked.

"Trying to help you." I replied as I tried to ignore him.

"You can help me by paying attention to me." Cedric whined as he dragged his arms around my shoulders.

"Could you please stop that Diggory, we're trying to read." Cateline said.

My heart hurt, I didn't know why it hurt so much. I had been crying a lot this past week, I was frustrated and all of Cedric's flirting was giving me false hope. Cateline must have noticed how uncomfortable and upset I was as she began packing up all the books.

"I'll take these to Veille and we'll see what we can find, we'll give you recipes if we find any. You are the best at brewing potions." Cateline said. "You should go back to your common room and get some rest."

"I'll walk you there." Cedric said as he grabbed my bag and began walking with me to Gryffindor tower.

The second we got there I grabbed my bag from him, whispered the password so he couldn't hear me and rushed through the portrait hole before Cedric could even say a word. I noticed that Fred and George were the only ones in the common room and deemed it safe to cry.

The second I started crying Fred and George whipped their heads around to look at me. They both came over to me to see if I was alright. I immediately hugged George and buried my face in his chest as I sobbed. George hugged me back and Fred rubbed soothing circles on my back.

"What happened?" Fred asked.

"Was it Cedric again?" George asked and I nodded.

"It hurts." I sobbed. "My heart hurts. He keeps saying things but I know it isn't real. He doesn't know what he's saying. He doesnt know how much it hurts."

"You're okay, we'll help you." Fred said.

Fred and George had become like my brothers, they were always there to help me out when Veille, Lyn or Cateline couldn't.

"Don't cry anymore, its okay." George said.

(Lyn, Cedric's sister)

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(Lyn, Cedric's sister)

Evelyn PotterWhere stories live. Discover now