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Evelyn's pov

On July 3rd I was woken up early by Aunt Petunia, she had me dressed and waiting at the front door at 3 am. Someone was supposed to be coming to take me to buy my school supplies. The second the doorbell went I was shoved out the door and into a woman with crazy grey hair and beautiful hawk like yellow eyes.

"Good morning Miss Potter, I see you're eager to get started." The woman said.

"Y- Yes ma'am." I said.

"I'm Madam Hooch, I'll bee your flying instructor at Hogwarts." The woman introduced. "Now chop chop! We can't spend all day hanging around here. The Muggles won't have what you need for school."

"Muggles?" I inquired.

"Non magical folk, you don't know much about Magic, do you? Not to worry, Hogwarts will soon sort that out." Madam Hooch said. "Come, Come."

I followed Madam Hooch like a lost puppy asking her as many questions as I could. I found out a lot from her like the fact that i'm a Half-blood wizard or that my little brother is famous, I even found out how my parents actually died.

Time skip

We entered this great big building that reminded me of a bank.

"Where are we now?" I asked.

"Gringotts Wizarding Bank, as you can see its run by Goblins. It's the safest place to store things other than Hogwarts and its where You and your brother's vaults are stored." Madam Hooch explained.

"Harry and I have vaults?" I asked.

"What? You thought your parents wouldn't leave you anything?" Madam Hooch said. "They had vaults set up for you the second you were born, upon their death their money was split evenly between you two."

The two of us walked over to a scary looking Goblin and held a key out to him.

"Vault 694 please." Madam Hooch said.

The goblin examined the key before getting up and gesturing for us to follow him. He took us to a cart which madam Hooch pulled me in with her. The cart shot off down twists and turns and eventually stopped in front of a large door, Madam Hooch handed me the key and gave me a gentle nudge towards the door.

I opened the vault's door and was shocked at the contents. It was filled with a large pile of gold coins, my parents had left me what I was sure was a small fortune.

"Grab some money quickly! A handful or two should be enough." Madam Hooch said.

I quickly grabbed two handfuls of money and shoved it in my pockets before leaving the vault with heavy pockets. I made sure to lock the vault again and grab the key. I tried to give Madam Hooch back the key as I got into the cart but she wouldn't take it.

"No, its your key for your vault, I was just holding onto it for you." Madam Hooch said.

Time skip

After we left Gringotts we walked along a huge street filled with unique Shops.

"What do we need?" I asked Madam Hooch.

"For your uniform you'll need three sets of plain black work robes, a pair of Dragon hose gloves and a black winter cloak with silver fastens. Your books are the standard book of spells grade one, A history of magic, Magical theory, a beginner's guide to transfiguration, one thousand magical herbs and fungi, Magical Drafts and Potions, Fantastic beasts and where to find them and The dark forces a guid to self protection." Madam Hooch said. "You'll also need a wand, a cauldron,  a set glass or crystal phials,  a telescope and a set of brass scales. We can see about getting you a pet later if we have the time. Now let's get started before the sun goes down."

I followed her into a shop called Olivanders, it looked old and run down and it was filled from floor to celing with boxes.

"Hello, Mr Olivander, we're here about a wand!" Madam Hooch called out.

A frail looking man with Crazy white hair came into view.

"Ah, Miss Potter, I was wondering when I was gonna see you. It feels like only yesterday your parents were in here buying their very first wands. Hey we are, try this." Olivander said as he handed me what looked like a long twig. "You may like this, a hard-wearing mahogany wand. The length is just shy of seven and one-half inches long. It has a core of griffin tail hair."

I held it awkwardly in my hand and got a surprise when it blew up.

"No, definitely not that one. What about this, a delicate ash wand. It is seven inches long. The core consists of salamander claw." Olivander said as he took the first wand away from me and handed me another one. "Go on! Give it a wave."

The wand didn't instantly blow up much to my relief but it did go shooting out of my hand and hit Madam Hooch in the face.

"Not a match either. Hmmm, give this one a try. This is a pine wand. In length, it is eleven and three quarters inches long. The core consists of unicorn mane." Olivander said as he handed me a new wand and took the last one from Madam Hooch.

Once again I waved the wand this time with a firm grip to stop it from flying away. Instead of it flying away or blowing up it made the the entire shop shake. Olivander quickly took the wand back.

"You're a difficult customer, give this a try. Now here we have a finely-carved walnut wand. In length, it is just a bit over nine and three quarters inches long. The core consists of veela hair." Olivander said as he handed me another wand.

I had barely even touched it when a window behind me smashed. Olivander took the wand back, he looked to be in deep thought when a box suddenly flew off the shelves and into my arms.

"I think this one wants a turn so why don't you take a look at this, a willow wand. In length, it is ten and one quarter inches long. This wand's core is phoenix tailfeather." Olivander said as he took the box out of my arms and handed me the wand.

I gave it a wave expecting something bad to happen but nothing did. Instead the wand began to glow and the window I had accidentally shattered fixed itself.

"It seems we found your perfect match, quite curious if I do say so myself. It is both the same length and wood type as your mother's wand." Olivander said.

Time skip

We had bought everything I needed for school and after a lot of begging Madam Hooch let me go into a pet shop. After looking around for a few minutes I saw this beautiful barn all and I knew I had to get her. I named her Hootch, it was my little way of thanking madam Hooch and making an owl pun.

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