Sitting Ducks and Shooting Ducks

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Chapter eight

"And you think offering her an olive branch is a great decision, why?"

"Williams, I really need you to stop questioning everything that Richard does, he's the bloody king." Michael sighed.

"It's for his safety! And his being king does not invalidate his need for help in making right decisions." the earl retorted. Of all of them, Williams was closest to the king and had been at his side throughout, while the duke and the marquess left on their soul searching sojourn, it was the reason the earl was so uptight, he has not had foreign breeze cool his arse; Michael's words.

"Like I've said a hundred different times, it gives her a sense of safety and makes her less wary of us."

"We do not need her to be less wary," Williams narrowed. "If anything, we need her on her toes."

Richard sighed loudly. "Williams, I could willingly offer you my throne if you believe you make better decisions in urgent situations."

"What?" the earl stood. "I was just-for God's sake." he stormed out. Richard sighed again, Michael coughed. "I'll go find him and get him in a better mood, and for decency's sake, that was a shitty statement Richard, and you know that." the duke sighed dramatically and dropped the glass of whiskey that forever remained untouched. He was a teetotaler but denied such vehemently. "I can swear that since I returned to this blasted country, I've gotten nothing more than headaches. Now I have to go be a mediator. It is difficult being me, you know" and off he went.

Richard shifted at the silence that yawned between himself and john.

"Do you think-"


"So Williams-"


The king smiled wryly and picked up a piece of paper filled with unintelligible words. "You could let me finish my words, you know?"

"What fun is there?" the big man shrugged. "You sound like Michael." The marquess picked up his glass which also remained untouched, with much more understandable reasons than the duke's. "The influence is great," he replied.

"So you suggest that-"

"The entrance ball should hold."

"But, I planned-"

"It was moot. That plan of yours. If I were in the position, I would advise you to let her have the ball. If you want them at each other's throat long enough to sway the elderly in your court then you must put them in the same room."

"It is exhausting being king." he let the paper go, which fluttered and landed meekly at John's feet.

"You do a much better job than Williams would. Even if you don't believe that.'' Richard blinked, startled. He had almost, almost forgotten John's near clairvoyant abilities. He added, "I also think what you said to Williams was bullshit and you shouldn't have. He was merely trying to help."

"Sometimes, his help is a bit too, well, much."

"Then, what is the point of friends if they don't help you more than you think they should?"

Richard laughed at his straight face. "That sounds like it would come from the thoughts of Lancaster."

John swirled the golden liquid in his glass. "When you've been with someone for years, Richard, you tend to pick a thing or four."


"How did it go?" François asked anxiously. "Excellently, if I say so myself. We have a truce."

"A truce?" her brother questioned, "when did we start a war?"

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