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Maxine's POV

I threw my bag of clothes on the floor and collapsed on the bed. I was so tired, it's been a while since I could run so freely like I did before and it felt amazing, but it also took a lot out of me.

I couldn't stay in these clothes so I tried to pick the bag of clothes up with my feet, groaning as I continued to fail. I eventually gave in and used my hands.

I pulled out my phone charger, forgetting I even put it in there, and set it down on the bedside table before pulling out my grey sweatpants and my black tank top.

"Shit." I mumbled once I took my shirt off to see it covered in deer blood. I quickly took the rest of my clothes out of the bag and then stuffed the bloody shirt inside. "I'll wash it after school."

As I went to unclip my bra, my ears pricked up as I heard faint crying. I focused on my hearing as I continued to get ready for bed and I realised the crying was coming from Cheryl's room.

Once I was dressed in my tank top and sweatpants, I crept towards Cheryl's room.

I carefully opened the door and thanks to the light of the moon shining through the curtains, I was just able to see Cheryl's body.

She was shaking slightly as she continued to cry. I made my way over and carefully knelt on the bed, trying not to startle her awake.

"Cheryl." I said gently as I placed my hand on her shoulder. "Wake up."

It took her a few moments but her eyes slowly opened and she looked around confused. She looked back to me and her eyes widened.

"What happened to you? You're bleeding." She asked, her voice coming out raspy.

My heart skipped a beat but not in a good way as I tried to come up with an excuse.

"Uh, I decided to go home and get my things and I accidently fell down the stairs outside my home?" I said more as a question.

Cheryl quickly sat up and reached towards her lamp and turned it on. "Oh it's worse than it first looked." She said moving closer towards me. "Does it hurt?"

"Not really."

She gently pushed me to the side so she could access the other bedside table and she opened the drawer, pulling out a small first aid kit. She opened it up and took a few items out.

"Here, let me clean you up." She said as she grabbed what appeared to be a disinfectent wipe. She propped herself up on her knees and gently held my face as she removed the blood from my face. "That's strange. There's blood but I don't see any cuts."

"That's odd."

She finished cleaning my face before she put everything away and then layed back down after she turned the light off.

"Cheryl, are you okay?"

"Just tired."

"I heard you crying."

Cheryl turned her head to look at me and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Wanna talk about what made you cry?"

Cheryl thought for a moment before shaking her head.

"Alright." I moved the covers and got under them, closing my eyes as I let out a deep breath.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to sleep?"

"Why are you in my bed though?"

"In case you cry again."




I turned over so I was facing her. "Why did you offer to take care of me? This morning you were a complete bitch to me."

"I'm sorry for being a bitch...You honestly bumped into me at the wrong time. I got lost in thought thinking about Toni and I was so angry and hurt and then you bumped into me and my emotions kinda came out.." Cheryl sighed and turned on her side so she was facing me. "Honestly, it felt good so I continued to be a bitch and I was gonna keep on being a bitch but you checked on me, even though I was mean to you, you still cared enough to check on me so..I just wanted to say thank you and repay you for looking out for me."

"Me checking on you and you letting me stay with you so you can look after me..That's a really huge way to say thank you for something like that."

"I know, but I just wanted to make sure you knew just how grateful I was, it's been a while since someone cared so..."

I nodded my head in understanding as my eyes began to grow heavy. Cheryl let out a shaky breath as it seemed like she was about to say something but changed her mind. A few moments passed and I was nearly asleep when she said my name.



Cheryl hesited again but this time she spoke. "Can you hold me?"

I opened my eyes and saw her eyes shining slightly, telling me her eyes were filling with tears. I moved closer to her and wrapped my arms around her. She gripped on to my shirt tightly as she buried her head in my neck. I rubbed her back gently as she began to sob.

"It's okay." I comforted. "It's going to be okay."

Blood In Riverdale - A Riverdale FanFiction (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now