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Gen Asagiri POV

Never ever cross in my mind to be like this.

My job is to be an mentalist.

But when I'm with you, I feel like I'm losing my job. My job to read people.

Your beautiful smile and  those sparkling eyes make me lose my suave words.

No one can sway me with their sweet talks for I can see through people. 

But when she spoke to me.

I swooned.

"Gen, you are really awesome" she praise over small things. As I always look at her straight in the eye as I observed if she was coddling with me. But all of her praises were all genuine sincere. 

There was no hint of sugar coating to it, Just Sincere. 

"Y/n-chan~ what are you doing?"

"Ohh, Hello Gen, Just helping Senku and Chrome at the Lab" she said. While making her way towards the laboratory.  I don't know, What comes to me, When I asked her that question, I was just curious on how will  she react to it.

" Ohh, Y/n-chan wanna go on a date?" I jokingly said and immediately regret it as I tried to play it safe and I was going to say Kidding. But When I saw her expression.

She was blushing...

Why are you blushing, I'm just kidding...

She always take my words, So Seriously.

That I end up blushing along.

"Oi y/n, are you still not done..." Senku-chan entered the tent and immediately notice the awkward situation between me and y/n.

"What the hell did you do, Gen" Senku-chan said.

"Oh my Senku-chan, you making me sound like, I'm doing something bad, hey, hey Y/n-chan~ don't take it seriously, I'm just kidding" I finally said it

Y/n-chan just nod her head and bow as she excuse herself. 

It's very rare to see her act bashful and timid, it was cute.

Wait what!

"So? Whats with the red face?" Senku playfully asked.

"Huh?! No it's not, oh my Senku-chan...stop teasing me" I said.

" Oi Gen, you should minimize your flirty jokes on y/n" Senku said.

"Yeah, I know" I said.


" Ohh, Y/n-chan wanna go on a date?" Gen asked. 

Before the petrification happened, I was a fan of Asagiri Gen. I find magic is fascinating and entertaining as well. 

 I never thought of being close to him. But  when his asking me out,

I couldn't help but blush at him. 

Much worst Senku came in.

"Oi y/n, are you still not done..." Senku entered the room and noticed the tension in the air. 

"What the hell did you do, Gen" Senku said.

"Oh my Senku-chan, you making me sound like, I'm doing something bad, hey, hey Y/n-chan~ don't take it seriously, I'm just kidding" Gen said.

I'm really an Idiot for Getting my hopes up, I'm just a plain ordinary girl, There's no way, I'll get him to like me. I couldn't help but to blush in embarrass by myself.

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