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We strode into the gym.
Me begging for no one to look.

And then my eyes fell on the one and only.....
Uriah Pedrad!
Oh F*** you universe!

Staring at me in wide eyed horror and slowly advancing on me.

Christina had felt me tense so looked at me then turned her head in Uri's direction.
She whispered a quick good luck then darted off before I knew what was happening.

Uriah stopped a few feet away from me and hissed, eyes flaming with fury
'What the hell are you wearing!'

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow deciding to piss him off.
Just a tad.

'What? These are what I usually wear, you know.' My voice dripping with false innocence.

His eyes flared and I could tell the ice beneath my feet was breaking, ready for the icy plunge to determined weather I would swim or drown.
'You know bloody hell what!'
He shrieked.

This caught some attention and I could see some boys smiling at the site.
My innocence faded into anger, the smile turning into a grimace.

'You had to draw attention, didn't you?!' My anger caused no twitch of anything, which hadn't happened for a while- I knew he was pissed but this much means I'm actually in trouble.

Instead he retorted with:
'Oh? I thought this was what you wanted!' His fake surprise caught me off guard while his comment made me physically flinch.

Could my own brother actually believe I did this on purpose?
Think I would sl** my self up to get noticed?

My mind went into turmoil and I could tell my face was showing it.
And for an instant I saw Uri's face soften, but it only happened for an instant and within seconds the cold mask was back on.

After a minute he growled:
'You're coming with me!' And with that he grasped my arm and dragged me to the door, haulted a moment and called back to one of the boys in a group watching:
'Hey Will? Make an excuse would ya bro?'
Will, who I think was with our 'friend' meet up this morning, called back 'sure thing!'

With that he whisked me out of the door, gripping me so hard I was close to tears, but I bit my lip and screwed up my face - silently promising my self I wouldn't cry.

He hauled me through the school and I knew where we were going, I memorised mine and Zekes' timetables so I could remind him which books to take to school.
Music, east wing, room 3, Miss Tory Wu, but I wasn't putting up a fight I was glad to get out of there.
At least I got away from the boys in gym.

It took 2 minutes to make the journey, and all was in utter silence.

As we pulled up to the door Uri said 'room 3?'
I nodded and , getting the confirmation he wanted, he stepped into the view of the people within the class and through open the door.

There was a silence as all the class turned, and then I heard a loud thump, that I pressumed was Zeke's head hitting his desk.

Uri cleared his throat turned to the teacher and said 'I need to talk to Ezekiel Pedrad!'
There was a snort from within and I heard the familiar voice of the wonderful (note the sarcasm) Four Eaton, 'Dude! EZEKIEL?!' He laughed.

This pissed me off, who was he to laugh at my brother?

I stepped into the door frame with Uri holding my arm tighter than before, arms crossed over my chest, glowering at Four and snapped, viciously due to the pain 'Oh and your real name is Four?'

All eyes turned to me, most boys stared and some even opened their mouths then shut them and repeated it, a few girls hissed but I was now blushing furiously with my eyes reverted on Zeke.

His eyes had widened and he was slowly changing red to purple, I knew I was in for it.

Miss Wu complied with us without a need for an explanation and Zeke stood up and strode out the door causing us to trail behind. My arm getting warm and sticky.

--------------------(time skip)---------------------

Once under a tree, Zeke turned to us, Uri had dragged me behind the whole way without relenting on his grip and now a tear was welling in my eyes, and sighed and leaned against the tree.

'Why, Tris, did you pick that of all outfits. If you wanted attention why did you beat me up for telling you you got it?!'
Neither of the boys were looking at me and I knew that the only thing holding me up was the thing that was causing me to nearly fall - the painful grip on my arm.

'Do you honestly think I meant to bring these, I didn't mean to bring these it's just these are what I wore all summer so it was instinct that caused me to bring them, not the want for attention!' My voice had been a whisper for all of what I said until the last word wear my voice cracked and the tear seeped from the corner of my eye.

The mixture of pain and the thought that I'd humiliate myself this way for attention was to much for me not to let anything out.

Zeke whipped his head around when he'd heard my voice crack and look at me hard. I hardly lost my composure, unless it was to get angry or annoyed. Not to cry!
First seeing the tear streak down my face, then his eyes landed on my arm and he gasped, I looked with him.

My finger tips were going purple while a lot of the rest was blue-ish, and red was smeared along it.
It made me feel sick.

Zeke whimpered out 'Uriah take your hands off our SISTER!'
Uri's head spun round to look at me and, within an instance, he let go and flew back as if he'd been burned.

As soon as his touch disappeared I gasped as the full amount of pain coursed through my vains, I collapsed onto the hard green earth beneath me, hitting my head on the tree trunk as I came down.

I let out a groan as my head became wet, warm and fuzzy.
I heard Zeke's frantic voice and Uri's scared reply, but not what they were saying, then pounding feet and a ring somewhere in the distance.

At that point I felt like I was 5 and had scraped a knee crying on dad's lap, today is too much, high school's too much, I just want my daddy.

'Ezi?' I mumbled through my numb lips, that's odd, why are they numb?
I felt hands lift up my head and shoulders moving them onto the owners lap then a head moving next to my ear.
'Yeah, Ris?' His soft voice whispered in my ear.
I giggled, he hadn't used this special nickname in ages and now it felt like a reassuring kid thing, and regretted it as pain shot through my body causing a torrent of tears and a sob to be released.
Once I regained some composure I whispered 'I want dad...'
'I know you do. I know exactly how you feel.' Came the reply.

I zoned out for a while, though I knew something was happening, it just didn't seem important.

Me again :)
I hope you're liking it, more to come.

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