Chapter Twelve: The End of The Beginning

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 They continued to walk towards their town. They had to climb down the freezing mountain, walk past dangerous ravines, and trough the Forbidden Forest again. But soon, they reached their home, or so it used to be. There was lava dripping down the stone brick walls, buildings crumbled up that a lot of people worked on, and a bunch of monsters swarming the kingdom of Nexus. There were also Ghasts flying everywhere, shooting fireballs towards the petrified townspeople. All there was, was chaos everywhere! "Oh no, Goliath. He ruined our beautiful kingdom. I wonder if our parents are still alive..." cried Steve. "Don't worry. We are going to stop Goliath," replied Leo.  "We got a problem. There are zombies coming!" shouted Alex. They pulled out their diamond swords, and they swung their swords deep into the zombies. Suddenly, and ghast from behind them shot a fireball at them. Luckily, Steve tossed the ball of flame straight back at the ghast.   

"We got to defend our kingdom. Even if it means we might fail. "Steve, Alex, and Leo go try to defeat Goliath!" shouted Bandor. "Ok!" replied Alex. They started to look around the kingdom to find Goliath, and they spotted them talking to their parents that were in a cell. "Oh no he didn't!" shouted Steve. Steve ran up to Goliath. "How did... how did you get here? I'd thought my Mayor Shulker would keep you down in the End!" shouted Goliath as he started flying up. "Steve! I'm so glad you're safe! I and your father was very worried about you and Leo!" replied Steve's mom. "Don't worry. I'll get you out of this!" exclaimed Steve. "Ugh. Let's stop all this blah blah blah stuff, and start the FUN!" shouted Goliath. He teleported them to an arena. "Oh great. I'm already starting to get the willies!" shouted Leo. "I wasn't expecting you to come here, Steve!" shouted Goliath. "We came here to stop you!" shouted Steve. "Did you just say, WE?" asked Goliath as he teleported Leo and Alex inside the cell that Steve's parents were in.    

 "What did you do with my friends?!" shouted Steve at Goliath. "I put them into the cage. I just had a thought. Maybe I can teleport the cage here in the arena for them to watch you die!" replied Goliath as he clapped his hands and the cage teleported into the arena. Steve started running at Goliath. "This is your big plan? To run directly at me?" exclaimed Goliath. He rose Steve up with his powers, and he grabbed the gauntlet and put it on himself. "Thought you were gonna use this? Well, you have to come and get it!" shouted Goliath. Steve ran towards him with his diamond sword, and he threw it at the gauntlet, and the gauntlet slipped off his hands. "Very clever, Steve!" shouted Goliath. Steve picked it up just in time to hit Goliath in the face with it. "You lost your power of being able to take my gauntlet!" shouted Steve.   

 "You do still realize I am a touch more powerful than you, Steve!" shouted Goliath as he circled around Steve in his flying mode. "Maybe you still are, but I will not let you ruin this world, my world!" shouted Steve. "Well, what if I just did?" asked Goliath as he clapped his hands. one chunk of the arena wall exploded, and the arena was on a  very tall mountain that they could see the entire world. "Oh my... what have you done?!" shouted Steve. The OverWorld was incasing with bedrock, and the sunlight was slowly disappearing. The moving bedrock had almost completely covered the sky, and thousands of monsters started appearing in the darkness. Lightning started flashing, the oceans became lava, and the grass started turning to Netherrack. "Come on. Do you even know a single thing? Once a world is deleted, it turns like the Nether, and the new Overworld that I'll be ruling will be above your world! Mwahaha!" shouted Goliath.  

 Steve got so angry, he charged towards Goliath with his enchanted armor on and his gauntlet covered over his right hand. "This is your big plan? To run directly at me?" asked Goliath. Steve didn't say a word as he twisted his right arm straight towards Goliath. He used all his strength to punch Goliath with the gauntlet, and he flew across the room. "Thought that was very clever huh Steve, but I bet you won't get much past my Indestructible Golem of Mass Destruction!" shouted Goliath as he used his red magic to grab a ton of chunks from hills and mountains to create a big golem that reached up to the sky. Goliath was inside of it so he could control it. "Now I'm actually glad to say that this is finally where I get to BURY YOU!" he said in his very deep voice.    

 Goliath raised his giant left arm and smashed about half of the arena and the mountain that the arena was sitting on. Steve barely escaped as he landed on the floor. "Nowhere to run!" Goliath shouted again as he lifted his right arm, and dropped it down towards Steve again. Steve couldn't have escaped his big arm this time because there wasn't any platform to stand on. Luckily, the gauntlet teleported him to a cave so the arm can smash onto the cave ceiling. "I placed every single block you've stood on here, and I promise, I will place the very blocks that cover your grave!" he shouted as he smashed Steve's cave. "No! Steve!" shouted Steve's foster dad. Luckily, Steve used the gauntlet to make an unbreakable force field that bounced Goliath's power back into him. "EeEAAaAaAAAAHHHHHHHhh!" cried Goliath as his golem fell and landed on the side of the incasing bedrock.    

 The moving bedrock was almost about to swallow the golem and in a few seconds, the bedrock smushed the golem, and it smashed to a bunch of dirt and rocks. The bad thing is that Goliath managed to escape the upcoming bedrock. "Impossible! No one gets to have control over my power!" shouted Goliath. He tried to mashed all the dirt and rocks that came from the golem, but the junk didn't move a single bit! "Unbelievable! I'm very much starting to hate that stupid gauntlet!" shouted Goliath. He dashed towards Steve, and he pushed him against a pile of rocks. "GIVE, ME THAT... GAUNTLET! "he shouted as he started tugging over the gauntlet. "Get... Get OFF Me!" shouted Steve as he kicked Goliath with his foot. He tripped over, and he fell onto a pile of flint. "Maybe I am a little less powerful, but that doesn't mean I can delete this world in a blink of an eye! DO you hear me?!" shouted Goliath as he got back up.    

" Yes I do hear you, but I'm not letting you finish your bedrock- covering world plan! This isn't the right way of doing things! You could have used your powers for good, but you chose not too. And look around. You might not escape this world too. You have abused your powers, Goliath. So as your punishment, I'm taking it away from you!" shouted Steve. "Not until I get what I rightfully want! Hand over that gauntlet right now Steve, or else things won't end very well from you!" shouted Goliath. Steve shook his head. "Then I might just have to squeeze the daylights out of you!" he replied.  He began to choke Steve with is red magic. "Got any last words, Steve?" asked Goliath. "Maybe you can eliminate me too, but your cool, magical powers are nothing compared to your wicked heart!"Steve coughed. Then Steve used his last bit of strength to blast Goliath's red magic back towards him. "NOOO AAAHHHHH!" shouted Goliath as his own powers struck him, and he fell down to the ground.     

 Steve stopped choking, and he could breathe. The moving bedrock stopped just in the nick of time right before it could fully incase the OverWorld with bedrock. Suddenly, all the bedrock disappeared, and all the monsters melted from the hot raises of the run. "Calm down everyone! The Curse has been lifted!" shouted Steve. Steve's foster parents ran towards Steve in delight. "My boy! You saved us all," cheered his mom and dad at the same time. Alex, Leo, Bandor, and Erick rushed towards Steve. "You did it!" cheered Bandor. "Let's go back home," exclaimed Leo. "Not yet. I'll put Goliath in this cage, and we can toss him into the Nether where he belongs," replied Erick. They put him inside a cage, and they opened up a Nether portal. "Don't leave me here!" he shouted. "You deserve it!" replied Alex as she kicked the cage into the Nether, and broke the Obsidian Portal frame. They walked back to the great Nexus wall. The gates opened, and the townspeople were preparing a big celebration.     

 Steve felt something in his pocket. He put his hand in, and he felt a piece of paper. "I don't remember putting a piece of paper into my pocket," exclaimed Steve. He unflooded the paper, and it said: Hello Steve! This is the gauntlet. Your prophecy has been fulfilled. But always keep me by your side because, in the wrong hands, it could be the end of the world as you know it. You are now an official Guardian of the OverRealm, and yo9ur friends are gauntlet guardians. Remember, you have a whole world to take care of! "I don't think I have a responsibility to take care of a whole world," exclaimed Steve. "We can help you," replied Alex. "Yeah," replied Leo.   

                                  It is now safe to say, This is the End of the Beginning. 

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