Chapter Eleven: The Last Place You'll Look For Hope

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"What does this paper mean?" asked Bandor. "I got no idea. Let's keep this paper, and I bet we'll figure it out along the way. For now, let's try to get to the End City ship, and get those powers," replied Steve. "Should we keep our guard up? Just in case this is all a trick?" asked Alex. "Sure.," replied Steve. They went out of the building that they stubbled across Goliath, and they continued to follow the map. "We better get there quick, this city seems like a big maze," exclaimed Alex as she looked at the map. "Well, are there any short cuts?" replied Erick. "Nope. Unless we get hit by a Shulker's bullet and levitate, that would be a short cut. But that's too risky," replied Leo. "But it might work. The End city ship is way up there! There is no way to reach it unless we get levitated by a Shulker," replied Steve.  "I guess you're right. Let's try to find a Shulker," replied Bandor. They looked around the End City, and soon, they got hit by a Shulker. "Ok. Go towards the ship, and once you are above it, drink your milk," replied Leo.  

 They flew above the airship, and once they sipped the milk, they fell down onto the Purpur tiles. "We are out of milk. So let's make this count," exclaimed Erick. They went down into the lower decks, and they saw a brewing stand with a couple of healing potions. "These will come in handy," replied Erick as he grabbed the potions. "Of course you were going to get the potions. You really are a potion master," replied Alex. They continued onwards to the lower decks to find the final set of powers for the gauntlet. Soon, they ran into a room with an ender chest and a regular chest beside it. "Is this it?" asked Steve. "We have arrived!" exclaimed Bandor. "Leo. Do you still have the dragon egg?" asked Alex. "Yes. I'll put it inside the ender chest," replied Leo. Suddenly, the gauntlet glowed. "Let Steve do it. It is his prophecy," exclaimed the mighty gauntlet. "Well here you go, Steve," exclaimed Leo as he handed Steve the egg.   

  "Be careful. We have to be prepared for anything. Like a dragon hatching or more Shulkers," exclaimed Bandor as he pulled out his sword. "Ok, here goes the moment of truth," exclaimed Steve as he walked up to the Ender Chest with the heavy dragon egg in his hands.  The egg started lifting off of his hands. Then the Ender chest opened by itself! The chest shucked the dragon egg inside of it like it ate the egg for morning breakfast, and it locked itself up. "So, that's it?" asked Erick. Suddenly, a random voice echoed in the ship. "Before you get the last set of magical powers for your gauntlet, you must answer this riddle to prove if you are worthy," said the voice. "Two chests are lined up on the wall. You must figure out which chest is not a trapped chest, or the chest with the last set of powers in it. If you don't figure which chest is right in 60 seconds, your life will be on the line," exclaimed the voice.   

 Steve observed the chests very carefully. He realized the chest on the left had a Redstone Sparkle on the chest. "I made my answer, mystery voice. The one on the right is the correct one," replied Steve. "You now have proved that you are worthy. Go ahead and receive your powers," replied the voice. Steve opened the chest on the right, and they gasped in amazement. The set of missing powers shined upon the wonderful treasure below. There were 3 emerald necklaces, 4 diamonds, 5 beautiful rubies, two golden chalices, 7 mystical crystals, 16 Prismarine shards, and 39 golden coins."This is the most wonderful treasure I've ever seen!" gasped Leo. "This set of powers look surprisingly big for it to fit into my gauntlet," replied Steve. "Well,  they are magical, so see if it can fit into your gauntlet," replied Leo. Steve put the powers into his gauntlet, and it flashed a powerful light, and it appeared fitting inside Steve's gauntlet.         

 "You now have to fully powered gauntlet. With this, you can eliminate Goliath's powers!" exclaimed the voice. "Hey look, I know what this is!" exclaimed Leo as he pointed to a pair of wings. "What is it?' asked Erick. "An Elytra. You can glide with it with fireworks. Luckily, there are fireworks inside the Ender Chest. Here, each of you take an Elytra," exclaimed Leo. They grabbed a set of gray wings. "Cool! We can use this to get off the ship once we are done getting the rest of the items," replied Bandor. "Should we leave some behind for other travelers?" asked Alex. "We should. We can't carry all this loot back home anyway. But Bandor, you did say that there is more treasure?" asked Steve. "Yes! Have you heard there is a dragon's head on the bow of the airship?" asked Bandor. "No, but we can use the dragon head as proof to show that Goliath attempted to replace me, I can show them that I am the real Steve," exclaimed Steve.   

They walked towards the waving head on the bow of the End City airship, and they realized there was void under the head. "Be careful. You don't want to know what happens once you slip off the edge and tumble into the void," exclaimed Erick. Instead, the gauntlet made the head fly towards them. "Thanks, gauntlet," replied Steve. "Ok, let's leave the End, and stop Goliath for good," exclaimed Alex. "Agreed!" everyone else shouted. They put on the Elytra wings and got ready for take-off. "Remember, use your fireworks to boost up if you're about to fly down-ward," warned Bandor. They jumped and started gliding in the air, flying towards the main part of the City. They landed on top of a purple roof. "We can use these roofs as our checkpoints. The next one is not that far," replied Leo. "Good thinking," replied Erick. Once they started flying towards the next checkpoint, a Shulker fired a levitating bullet at them. "Oh great. We forgot to keep a lookout for Shulkers," exclaimed Leo.  

 They kept floating, and they found a strange floating room. "What's that?" asked Bandor. "This doesn't exist in End Cities, we should check it out, but there could be tons of traps. Be careful," replied Leo. They landed onto the Purpur floating island, and they were spotted by a huge Shulker with a tuxedo and a bow tie. "Oh, I must've forgotten about the Mayor Shulker. He is the creator of the End City and ruler of the Shulker army!" shouted Leo. The big Shulker shot a big bubble of levitation, and it hit them. "Steve!  Use your gauntlet on the Shulker!" shouted Alex. "I can't. We have to save its energy so we can ban Goliath!" replied Steve. Erick used his sword to pop the bubble. "We need to attack it!" shouted Alex. "Leo, give me a boost with your shield. I can go behind it, and stab it from there!" replied Bandor. Leo held out his shield and Bandor jumped on top of it. He did a backflip and landed behind the Shulker.    

 The Mayor Shulker summoned more Shulkers which levitated Bandor, and the others. "Quick! Use your bow to shoot the Mayor Shulker, and end all this!" exclaimed Alex. "We must all shoot at the same time, so it can damage the Shulker even more!" exclaimed Steve. They all fired their arrows at the Mayor Shulker, and it vanished. All the other Shulkers disappeared too because their Mayor was gone. "Phew. I agree. Let's leave this place," replied Alex. They flew to the exit gateway, and they teleported back to the main End island. "Ugh. It smells like a dead dragon!" exclaimed Erick. They left the End, and they appeared back at the Ancient Archives. "Why do we have to go back through the library maze?" asked Leo. "No, we don't. There is a ladder here!" exclaimed Alex. Once they climbed the ladder, they were still on the mountain. "It is night time! I don't want to sleep down in the Ancient Archives!" exclaimed Leo. "We don't have to. We made a shelter on the mountain, remember?" asked Alex. "Oh, yeah. "Let's rest up," exclaimed Steve.  

 They all fell asleep and in the morning, they woke up to find 5 bowls of mushroom stew on a table. "Who put these here?" asked Alex. "Well, I went out early in the morning to find food. I only found enough mushrooms to feed all of us. So, munch up people," exclaimed Erick. "I guess I'll drink this slop," replied Leo. "It is all we got, Leo. But I do prefer a good home-cooked meal once we get home," replied Steve. "Don't you think the townspeople back at Nexus will still be mad?"  asked Alex. "No. I think it's going to go well. We can tell my parents, and Grampa George to give out letters stating that I'm the real Steve and Goliath is the one without the Gauntlet so he's fake," replied Steve. "Good plan. We should start heading there now," replied Erick.    

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