Chapter 10

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Alvina sat still for a moment, her breathing coming to a halt as she listened to the men poor in

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Alvina sat still for a moment, her breathing coming to a halt as she listened to the men poor in. She heard bellows from the Vikings in their language, talking to eachother. But she waited. She wasn't exactly certain what she was waiting for exactly but she waited nonetheless.

Her book was set flat upon the table, a candle beside it. But she wasn't reading, she was listening closely with a slight tremble in her fingertips. She'd been bold and brave before, but actually facing her death was a different story.

"In Nomine patris et filii et spirtus sancti." She whispered under her breath, clutching the crucifix that her father had given her when she was still a little girl so tightly that she feared she may draw blood. "In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti" She repeated, stepping closer to the door. Her legs shook beneath her, almost giving way as she pressed forward. "In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti." This time her words were stronger and more confident, her head rose with pride as she closed in on the door. "For King Ragnar." She whispered gently, dropping her crucifix back against her chest. "For my mother."

Before she could change her mind, she'd reached for the door and slammed it open. The sun shone over as she stepped outside, making her vision turn white for just a moment. When she could see again, she noticed that a small group of men had seen her and were now approaching her. But she saw no sign of Ivar, and fear Rose within her that these men may just kill her now without even approaching the sons of Ragnar. After all, she would mean little to them, right?

A tall man with a beard and vibrant blue eyes seemed to notice the commotion and his gaze shifted over to Alvina. For a moment he was confused but then a spark of something overcame his expression - recognition. Quickly, he made his way over to intercept the girl before the others reached her. For some reason, she was far more inclined to trust him than she was to trust these other men. He seemed different to them somehow.

"Prince Ubbe." The men stopped quickly, their eyes flickering between Alvina and the man beside her.

Now it was her eyes that filled with recognition. Ubbe. Ubbe Ragnarsson, the second son of the late King and one of the leaders of this army.

"We should kill her-" One of the men spoke up from the back of the small group.

But the Prince shook his head with such authority that they were silenced. "No, I will take her to my brother Bjorn." He spoke still looking at her with a curiosity that matched his father's.

As the men turned and left, Alvina shifted her gaze over to the Ragnarsson. He didn't seem quite as aggressive as his younger brother, she could see a certain kindness within his eyes that signalled she may want to direct herself more towards him than to Ivar. But there was that recognition, that look as though he knew who she was, and that was something she couldn't quite understand. No one knew who she was, did they?

"Will he kill me?" Alvina asked finally, breaking Ubbe from his curious stare. "Your brother, I mean."

"I think Ivar would have something to say about that." Ubbe answered with a small smile. "You're the princess, right? The one who tried to save our father?"

"Princess Alvina." She answered. "It's nice to meet you."

At this, Ubbe furrowed his brows and sent her a slightly confused look. "It is?" He questioned. "We're here to kill your people."

Alvina nodded, pondering this for a moment. "Well you won't find many of us here. They're gone."

"Ubbe!" Another voice made the man turn around. "Bjorn wants us."

Alvina assumed it was another Ragnarsson, though she was beginning to lose track of how many there were in all honesty. She assumed that she should follow the older Ragnarsson, and so she did, all the way to the throne room where she had last seen her family. She hoped they were alright. Although she presently loathed Ecbert and Judith, she loved her brothers and father dearly and wanted nothing more than to see them safe.

When she entered, she gulped back utter terror. For a moment she was certain that she was being brought to death, but stayed close beside Ubbe as the man seemed oddly comforting.

"What do you have there, brother?" A familiar voice almost made Alvina's heart stop beating. Though she felt like it had stopped, she could hear it thudding like a war drum in her ears. Trembling, she peered out from behind the large Viking, her breath catching in her throat when her gaze landed on Ivar. And when he looked at her, he looked almost as though he'd seen a ghost as well.

My power went out last night and I've spent all day fixing it :))

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