Epilogue: End of an Era

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Aurelio: Sage King
  •After the deaths of Mortabe and Meru, Aurelio and the rest of the group returned to Arqferi where they were extolled for their heroic efforts. Not long after his return Aurelio was appointed King of Arqferi and married Galatea, making her his queen. As one of Aurelio's first acts as king, he rebuilt and renovated many of the churches to Meru in honor of her sacrifice. Aurelio also greatly bettered Arqferi's relations with foreign kingdoms and even created numerous Arqferian colonies overseas, spreading the kingdom's culture and craft all around the world. Known for his powerful magic and impeccable wit, Aurelio was revered as a great king for years until he eventually abdicated the throne and gave the position of ruler to his sister Callista knowing that she would keep it safe. No longer bound to the responsibilities of the throne, Aurelio devoted all of his free time to travelling the world with his beloved wife. The two had a daughter together, Alondra, who inherited her mother's voice and became a popular singer and dancer, bewitching and captivating audiences in theaters and festivals worldwide.

Galatea: Alabaster Queen
  As Queen of Arqferi, Galatea was loved by many and known to be a very soft-spoken yet strong ruler. Her singing became known to many within the kingdom and she often starred in many plays and operas held at local theaters within the capital. However as much as she loved the title, Galatea began to feel suffocated by her queenhood and was more than happy when Aurelio suggest that they explore the world together. Eventually Aurelio and she settled down in a small island kingdom far to the west where she gave birth to Alondra. Galatea and Aurelio both were very doting and protective parents, spoiling their daughter rotten. Inheriting her father's wit and her mother's beauty, Alondra grew up to be a very manipulative woman, using her charms to get whatever she wanted out of both her parents and her beaux, eventually making a very profitable career for herself as the leader of a travelling troupe.

Ian: Unwavering Friend
  Upon returning back to Arqferi, Ian was promoted to marshal of the royal army, an esteemed title once held by his mother. Ian remained loyal to both Aurelio and Callista, protecting them with unwavering determination. His determination eventually bloomed into something more however, and Ian eventually asked for Ian's hand in marriage. The two were wed and lived happily together in the Arqferian capital. The two were unfortunately unable to have children together but neither one of them let it deter them. Together with his beloved Ian was able to help Arqferi grow into a powerful and prosperous nation that lived on for generations.

Casey: Thief King
  After the defeat of Mortabe, Casey returned to his people and rebuilt Rexeus in the fertile valleys between the ruins of Oxalis and Vibestia. No longer a ramshackle collection of wooden shacks, Rexeus became a prospering kingdom with help from both Aurelio and Callista; and under a law passed by Aurelio, all crimes committed by the Rexians were pardoned, so long that Rexeus becomes an honorable kingdom and the Rexians themselves stay out of trouble. Though reluctant to give up his life of crime, Casey abided by the law, wanting to give his fellow felons the best possible life they could live. Casey lived happily in his new kingdom, finally at ease. He no longer had to worry about fighting, and with plenty of spare time, Casey was finally able to move on from the past that haunted him so. In time Rexeus became a renowned kingdom known for its wealth and boisterous people.

Maude: Baroness of Frost
  Maude never fully got over the death of Queen Alwine of Vibestia, but with help from Alda and Arcelia, she was able to help out the survivors from Sieghild's revolt. Many of the survivors went on to live in Rexeus, Arcelia included. Maude was offered a place in Casey's kingdom as well but she declined, and instead went on a sort of soul-searching pilgrimage as a wandering mercenary. Eventually Maude began to move on and permanently returned to Rexeus where she was appointed as a general of the royal army. Maude and Alda were married in secret and lived out the rest of their days together in Rexeus.

Alda: Whispering Flame
  Along with Arcelia, Alda lived in Rexeus with Casey and the surviving Vibestians. Together with Maude she gradually began to mellow out and even kicked her alcoholic tendencies. Alda hung up her weapons and decided to live out a quieter lifestyle instead, vowing to give up her job as a hit woman forever (jokingly saying unless the pay just happened to be really, really good of course). Together Alda and Maude adopted and raised an orphaned Vibestian boy named Alard as their own, training him to be an honorable and chivalrous knight.

Arcelia: Icy Huntress
  •Like Maude, Arcelia was appointed to be a general in Casey's army. Known for her impeccable skill as a sniper, many people considered Arcelia to be the best archer in Sanasa since the late King Amado. Arcelia often visited Arqferi, where with help from Wynne, she came to learn of both her Arqferian heritage and the fate that befell her mother. Back in Rexeus Arcelia eventually married one of her fellow revolutionaries, a quiet and hardworking man named Andreas, and had two children together, a son named August and a daughter named Adela, both of which grew up to be excellent warriors like their parents.

Anselm: Forlorn Mercenary
  Anselm returned to his home hidden within the depths of Oxalis where he buried his father Rei and cousin Angelica. While he wanted to return back to his job as a mercenary, the wound he had sustained during the battle with Mortabe proved to be debilitating and he was left unable to fight again despite both the efforts of Callista and his mother Moira to fully heal the wound. Making the best of the situation, Anselm spent the rest of his days living happily with his mother and aunt.

Callista: Child of Light
  Callista lived a very simple life after Mortabe's defeat, living a slothful lifestyle of her own accord. As a descendants of Meru she was revered by many as a goddess herself, some people even giving her the name Puemerum--Child of Meru. Callista very much enjoyed all the attention and eagerly accepted the position of Queen whenever her brother abdicated. Under Callista's rule, Arqferi became a very powerful nation that survived for centuries. Callista's story however does not have a happy ending. As Arqferi prospered under her rule, her husband Ian grew older and sicker while she seemed unaging. Callista came to learn the hard way that Manaketes live much longer than humans; Ian had died of old age and she had to bury him. As the years passed Callista grew bitter, watching sadly as her friends and loved ones passed on while she stayed behind. The kingdoms of Sanasa slowly began to crumble and fall around her; and eventually after nearly four millennia since its original creation, Arqferi fell, leaving Callista behind. A lonely husk with nowhere else to go, Callista wandered aimlessly about the land as a grizzled hermit until her eventual death at the age of 3000, leaving no more Manaketes left in Sanasa. Callista returned to the soil and the land of Sanasa itself was swallowed up by the ocean, lost and forgotten to the sands of time...

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