Chapter 9: Aftermath

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  Ian steps into the rickety wooden building and heads down into the infirmary, Callista at his side. He sighs and heads over to the nearest cot, setting her down gently on its stained gray sheets. Ian looks around the room for any sort of quilt or blanket, but much to his dismay, found nothing but near empty medicine bottles. Callista's transformation had let her clothes in tatters, and so Ian wanted to drape her body with something lest she catch a chill or expose her modesty. Figuring it would be his best option, Ian unties his cape and removes it from his shoulders before swaddling Callista in the navy blue silk.

  "What happened to her?" A hoarse voice called out from the other side of the room.
  "Alda?" During the attack Ian had completely forgotten about everyone save for Callista and Aurelio, so to see and hear someone different was a bit of a surprise. "It's nothing, she just exhausted herself..."
  "That right?" Alda says. "Hey, think you could fetch me a pint, I'm itching for some ale. Everyone says that Casey's throwing a party, but I can't go anywhere in my state. Maude normally gets things for me, but I haven't the foggiest as to where she is..."
  "I don't know where Casey keeps his kegs." Ian sighs. "Besides, alcohol is terrible to the body. Perhaps it's best you quit."
  Alda laughs. "The day I quit drinking is the day I'm laid six feet under."

  Ian sighs and looks over as Aurelio storms into the infirmary, rushing down the makeshift stairs with a frenzied speed. A faint grimace of alarm was painted on his face. He anxiously scours the room until his eyes meet Ian's.

  "Where's Callista?" Aurelio exclaims. "Is she-"
  "Calm down Lord Aurelio, she's fine." Ian says coolly. "Please, not so loud, you'll wake her."
  A soft groan could be heard from the cot. Callista opens her eyes and groggily tilts her head upward, looking at Ian and Aurelio. "Ngh... Ian..? A-Aurelio..?"
  "Yeah, it's me." Aurelio says, rushing over to her side. "Are you alright?"
  "I'm fine..." She smiles weakly. "You're... You're not mad are you?"
  "Mad?" Aurelio looks at her confused. "Why would I be mad?"
  "Because, I'm... I'm an animal after all... How could you like me... i-if I'm not really your sister?"
  "Now hush, don't start with that!" Aurelio says. His voice was harsh, there was a cold solemnity to it, and yet Callista could sense the affection behind it. "We've discussed this Callista, I could care less if you're a human or an animal or a dragon or whatever; you're still my sister, nothing will ever change that. You really need to stop worrying about it. You know I could never hate you."
  "Thanks Aurelio..." She sighs. "I... It does makes me wonder though... J-Just who am I..? Where am I from..?"
  "Well from what I saw out there, you're some kinda dragon." Aurelio says bluntly. "And that's really cool if you ask me. Not everyone can say they have a dragon for a sister."
  "I guess..."
  "I'm not really sure how or why it happened, but I suppose we should count ourselves lucky." Ian says with a sigh. "As much as I hate to say it, we would've been eviscerated otherwise. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you two..."
  "Don't worry about it Ian, there wasn't really anything any of us coulda done. That woman was too strong, whoever she was..." Aurelio grumbles. "I hate that I couldn't even fight back..."
  "Wait, hold on." Alda interjects. "Just what happened up there?"
  "There was an attack." Ian says. "Sieghild seemed to have followed us here, or at the very least some of her soldiers did."
  "Damn, now I feel even more useless." Alda gripes. "Just how long do they plan on keeping me on bed rest? I'm gonna get soft..."
  "I understand your restlessness Alda, but you were seriously wounded. You need to take the time to heal." Ian says reassuringly. "We all do if we expect to carry out this mission."
  "Though that said, do you remember what happened on the battlefield Ian? That light that came from Callista's body." Aurelio says gesturing to his lanky frame. "I'd never felt so strong. It's almost like I've got some muscle now."
  "Indeed, it does feel as if I have a bit more vigor in my step."
  "I know this is a lot to ask of you Callista, but do you think you could use that light on Alda?"
  Callista shakes her head. "No, I'm really too tired to be of much use right now... I'm sorry..."
  "Don't be, your transformation took a lot out of you, I understand."
  "We should head back up then. It's vital that you two rest up. Come Lord Aurelio, let's let them sleep." Ian makes his way towards the steps, his cobalt blue armor moving silently, no longer creaking as it once did.

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