Make The Plan

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We stay still for a minute, staring at the fog Harry disappeared into. I speak up, "Wanna know the worst part?" Jay looks at me like I have two heads, "Isn't the worst part that your stupid ex-boyfriend kidnapped the King of Auradon and now Uma- of all people- wants to see Mal?" I hold up a finger, "First, stop reminding me of my second biggest regret- dating Harry Hook." I hold up a second finger, "Secondly, no, that's not the worst part. The worst part we have to tell Mal we lost her lovestruck boyfriend." Their shoulders slump. No one had realized that. Evie sighs heavily and marches up the stairs with me, Carlos, and Jay following close behind.

"If you guys never would have brought him here, this never would have happened. What were you thinking?!" Honestly, Mal's reaction is much tamer than I expected. I at least thought she would go all "green eyes" on us. Her yelling at us isn't new anyway, so I can handle it. "He was gonna come with or without us. We just wanted to protect him," Evie says. "Okay, and we screwed up. Big time," I say, throwing my hands up. "Okay, okay. So, what are we gonna do?" Jay asks. Mal says, "'We' are not doing anything. This is between Uma and me. And she's a punk. And guess what? Now I have to go get him." Carlos holds up his hands, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Mal. You're still gonna have to go through Harry Hook and his wharf rats." I put my hands on my hips, "Yeah, you're kinda gonna need your team for this one, Mal." Mal slightly shrugs, "Uma said to come alone." Evie pleads, "Mal, come on." I sigh, "She did say to come alone. And I hate to admit it but...Uma doesn't play." Carlos says, "I know one thing. I'm not

going anywhere." He sits on the couch and Jay promises, "We'll be here when you get back." Mal turns on her heels to leave and I start looking around. Carlos asks, "What are you looking for?" I open a drawer, mumbling, "I could have sworn I had a spare iPod here somewhere..."

When Mal gets back (I have my iPod which I realized I hid behind a poster in a hole in the wall- genius alert), she has bad news for us. Uma wants to make a deal- Fairy Godmother's wand for Ben. Hells no. "There's no way we're gonna give Uma the wand. We can't just let her destroy Auradon," Evie says as Mal paces in front of us. Carlos reasons, "Uma doesn't get the wand, then Ben is toast, guys." I scoff, my voice dripping with sarcasm, "Right. Let's give Uma- of all the sea witches on this Isle- the wand. Great idea. Genius. Why didn't I think of that?"

Jay asks, "Do we have another choice?" Mal stops, "Wait! You guys! Your 3D printer." Carlos asks, "A phony wand?" Mal nods, "Yes!" He leans back, "In my sleep." Evie says, "And the second Uma tests it, she'll know it's fake." Mal says, "Well, okay, so then we just get Ben out really fast. We need some kind of diversion." Jay and I lock eyes and we say, "Smoke bombs!" We're both thinking about when we bombed Harry's hangout spot after I caught him with Uma. Evie claps, "That's perfect. I'll get the chemicals I need from Lady Tremaine's place. That could work." She stops in front of Mal and touches her light pink hair, "Oh, and sick hair, by the way. Evil Stepmom seriously stepped up her game." Mal says, "Okay, do you want to know something? Dizzy did this." Evie whispers, "Little Dizzy? Shut up!" Mal nods, "I know. I'm, like, loving it. It's, like, a lot lighter." Evie agrees, "Really proud of her." Don't get me wrong. I like talking about hair. But not now. Not when we've got a lot on our plate, y'know, trying to save Auradon here." Jay clears his throat and Carlos says, "Hello?" Evie and Mal stop talking. Mal regains command, "Right. Carlos, Jay, Madison, you guys meet us at Pirates Bay no later than noon. And, you guys, losing- not an option. 'Cause we're rotten..." We finish, "To the core."

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