Chapter 19: Second Round Begins

Start from the beginning

I wipe the sweat gathered on my forehead with my sleeve. When I was running I realised all the low level beast seemed to have a major boost in power. Much more then they should.

And I feel like there were too many beast attacking me then there should. I had like a dozen of creatures after me. Plus they weren't weak animals they were like wolves and bears that acted really ferocious.

If I'm being honest they could have cornered me if I were any weaker, they acted quite peculiar. I don't think the beasts in this forest should have been here as they could easily kill people.

Suddenly I get a surprise attack from the back. A bear slashes my back harshly. The pain was excruciating. Blood was dripping like a river from my back. I quickly killed it with the dagger. It slashes across the beast neck causing blood to splatter everywhere.

I couldn't heal the wounds to well since it would waste too much time. Something seems to blocking my magic sense.

I see the other beast dash towards me. I make a water ring to try and keep them away from me. I try and climb the trees to get away. I see a snake suddenly and it tries to strike me. Trying to bite me with it's sharp fangs. I grab it and swiftly kill it. The eyes of the snack was an unnatural color of ruby red. I decide it wasn't safe up on trees either and descend to the ground.

I get covered in dirt and water from tracking through the forest. I see a monkey nearby and it snatches one of my things. By the time I caught it a bright light blinded me.

I suddenly see the portal in a close proximity. I dash towards it. I need to finish this race quickly, i might already be behind everyone.

Once I go through the portal I immediately find myself in the snow biome. It was freezing cold and didn't help my wound feel any better. I rub my arms trying to warm my body, i was shivering in my boots. I quickly create a small flickering flame.

My feet left imprints in the snow as I heard the snow crunching beneath my feet. Snowflakes came down like a blizzard melting once it made contact with my skin.

I see a pack of wolves coming to me, probably attracted by the scent of blood. Each looking as they hadn't eaten in days. I don't think students would be able to handle any of this at all if they were weaker then me.  Plus it's suspicious there aren't any other students here. I cock a brow. Rummaging in my pocket for the crystal just in case if anything I wouldn't be able to handle occured.

I reach into my pocket to take out the crystal just in case but feel nothing.
Then i remember something that happend just before the race.

Rosella 'accidently' hits me, knocking me to the ground.

"I'm so sorry Ara. I accidently hit you. Let me help you up."

I refuse her offer and get up myself. She then says how I had dirt all over my body and started patting me down. She then walked away with a smirk which made me lift a brow.

•Flashback End•

She might have taken the crystal then. No time to worry about it now. I just have to make it to the end. I'm sick of her schemes. But that is the least of my worries.

But it was extremely difficult to do due to the windy weather making it not only hard to get away in but also hard to see through due to all the wind and snow. Plus I had a major disadvantage since my magical sense was disturbed. My eyesight only could see about  1 metre ahead of me. 

The snow became so thick that the trees appeared as the confetti, as if they were the flakes that danced. There is nothing friendly about the snow outside; it falls thick enough to blind any traveller by foot or vehicle. The gale whips each flake, so pretty on its own, into a projectile that hurts unguarded skin. The sky above has none of the light that noon-time should have, so thick are the black clouds.

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