Fishing Trip

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This one-shot is inspired from the greatest mini-game in all of Zelda!

"So, Dad, are we going to beat up another Mountain Boar?!"

"Nah, you're too used to giant monsters at this point."

"'kay, so what kinda training we doing?"

"Something a little new."

"Ooooo! You're gonna teach me to use Haki with firebending, right?!"

"I don't even know Haki, let alone how to mix bending with it. Besides, Mom says you're still a beginner."

Chris Uno adored his daughter and loved to spend time with her. She was full of energy and was always dying to let it out. He and Maddy would always receive calls from her teachers about Christina getting in fights, breaking down walls, receiving detentions, but destroying the detention rooms. Friends or strangers, she had an urge to beat up anybody, but for the sake of no extra costs, Chris had to be sure to spend time whenever necessary. He and his wife were the only ones who could survive their daughter's beatings, making her exhaust herself so she wouldn't get in trouble at school.

Christina smooshed her face to the window of the R.O.A.D.S.T.A.R., seeing they were entering a beautiful mountain zone. "Ohhhhh... you're gonna teach me how to awaken my Combustion Eye, right??"

"I think you have to be born with that, sweetheart." Chris chuckled. "But I think you'll really like what I have planned."

"Then gimme your best shot, Daddy-O." Christina kicked her sandaled feet up against the windshield. "I'm ready for whatever ya got!" Her grin sparkled with cockiness.


She would later be sitting in a boat as opposed to a car, and her expression opposite as well. "UUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuggggggghhhhh."

The lake was so clear and calm that it seemed like a mirror, the mountains perfectly inverted with the morning sky beneath them. There were few other boats and people drifting on the lake, but Chris and his daughter were rather far from anyone else. Fishing rods rested in either's hands. Chris's posture was calm and composed, while his daughter lazily lie in the deck, legs skyward, and fingers barely clutching the rod.

"I can't believe you would pull a dumb dad trap like this. Fishing is soooooooo booooooooriiiiiinnnng."

"Good." Chris replied simply. "A little boredom is healthy."

"Noooo, it's sickeniiiiinnng." Her legs fell and hung over the side. "Why didn't you take Perry? He's the dork who loves fishiiiing."

"It's Cheren's job to take his son fishing. I want you to appreciate nature more, Christina. Get your head out of fighting and take in the sights. Let the crisp mountain air enter your soul."

"This is the worst thing ever." She lazily kicked the air. "You're lame, Daddy-O. Laaaaaaaame."

"Christina, we're not leaving until you catch some fish. This is your training: learning patience and serenity."


They had been fishing for half an hour. Chris caught a few large fish and threw them back. His daughter hadn't sat up all that time. Her rod had been in the water, but she wasn't holding. "Christina, you're not gonna catch any looking like that. If you're not interested in them, they won't be interested in you."

"Can't I just dive in and catch them myself? Th'would be more exciting th'n..."

"Christina, get on your lazy butt and catch some damn fish."

Her mind reacted to her father's anger, so she sat up and crossed her legs. "Hhhhhhhhffff..." Her nostrils expressed her boredom as she held the rod a bit more firmly. Her eyes shifted to the sky, growing lost in dreamland. "Yip-!" She almost dropped the rod, but caught it. It was trying to tug itself away, requiring her to tighten her grip. "Errrrgh...!"

"That-a girl." Chris smiled. "Looks like you finally got one."

"Ergh... at least I might get a meal." Christina smirked. "Cooooome to... Ma—MAAAAAAH!"

What appeared to be a baby whale with wide, creepy eyes and huge, human-like teeth, clenched the string. It ferociously tugged, rocking the family's boat, until Christina released the rod. The whale returned underwater, the family falling over as their boat slowed to a halt. "Whoa..." Chris sat up, face in awe. "Was that... Baby Big-Tooth Bertha? I heard a fisherman needs extreme patience to even have a chance of reeling that sucker in. ...You must've been so bored that you accidentally lured it in. That's really amazing-"

"Ohhhhhhhhhh HEEEEEEEEEEELL YEEEEEAAAAH!" Christina's mouth and eyes grew inhumanly wide, her face flushed with desire. She ditched her sandals and dove into the lake.

"CHRISTINA, NO-...!" Chris knew trying to catch her was pointless. "...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuggggghhh."

Falling back on the boat, he was no different from his daughter a moment ago. He could only wait. BAM! Some water burst up a few feet away. BOOM! More burst up from the opposite side. There were fireworks beneath the lake conjured by Christina's firebending. She was chasing Baby Big-Tooth in circles, brawling the whale and stirring waves. Chris's boat rocked like a surfboard, but still he lay bored.

And with one tremendous rising of water, the Baby Bertha blew out in an arched pose, Christina's fist up against the curve of the arch. "YOU'RE MIIIIIIIIIIIINE!" One extra punch blasted Bertha to the shore. "SWEET! I am gonna get fat tonight!"

"We have to return him to the lake. Park rules." Chris said.

"Not without a picture!"

Christina would go on to admire the photo on the drive home, of herself resting on the beached baby whale. "Dad... thanks for taking me fishing. That was a lot-a fun."

"Heh... I'm glad you're happy." He sighed and smiled. Sadly, violence was the only thing that brought her joy. But a happy daughter still warmed his heart.

"Bet ya Perry never got a fish that big."

"Heh, he'll have quite the competition. Cheren'll have to train him a lot harder."


Christina smirked proudly, firmly holding the photo before her little cousin's eyes. "Hmmm... pretty cool." he said after much thought.

"HAH! You're so damn jealous, I can taste it!"

"Eh, not really." replied the freckle-faced boy with a blush. "It's not as cool as this Queen Merfish."

Perry held up a photo; Christina's eyes popped: her cousin was standing before a colossal, feminine fish with a black head, large pink lips, a see-through veil of hair, and very long pink tail that curved around the foreground. "Grrrrrr! YOU CHEATED AND I'LL PROVE IT!" She made her point by blasting Perry to the sky with an uppercut.

"Christina! No doing the 'Team Rocket Blastoff' on your cousin!" Chris ordered.

"Don't worry, he packed the sail this time." Cheren assured.

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