Mark's father shoots up enthusiastically and follows Mr Barrett out of the room- not before sending a stern look at Mark before he goes.

Finally, once he's left alone in the office, Mark feels like he can breathe freely. He has only a couple of minutes where he can think, free of any influence and pressure.

Mark stares at the document in front of him, scanning the words on the page yet nothing seems to be going in. The contract talks about fitness and diet, and about maintaining a certain image and how dedicated he should be... it's nothing new, actually as Mark picks up on the odd word, the contract is actually a lot looser than he thought it would be.

If he signed, he'd make his father proud, he'd get to live his childhood dream and he'd still be allowed to go to Seoul for the summer with Donghyuck...

But that's just thinking in regards to the short term.

Yes he'd make his father proud but like Donghyuck said, it's not about his dad, this is his career, his life, he should do it for himself.

And yes he'd achieve his childhood dream of playing professional basketball for Canada's national team... but was that still his dream?

And this contract allows him to go to Korea with Donghyuck for the summer, to have one perfect summer with his boyfriend... but what if that's it? What if one summer is all he'll get? Donghyuck, despite travelling the world, is primarily stationed in Seoul, and Mark would almost always be here in Canada... they've done long distance before but Mark didn't really think that their relationship would always be like that. He didn't really think realistically about what his and Donghyuck's relationship would grow into- it was always just a fantasy, a dream that he'd ever actually meet Donghyuck, never mind date him...

But he also promised Donghyuck that he'd be his own person, that he wouldn't let his parents nor boyfriend influence his final decision.

Mark drops his head onto the desk.

If I sign this, I give up on music and commit to being a basketball player. It's the safest option... but is it the best? I love basketball... it's always been my passion... but would I only be signing because I'm too scared to try and achieve something else?

Mark lifts his head up and straightens out the papers in front of him, his fingers sliding over the different subheadings, before landing on one about the training period before the season officially began.

He skims the text quickly, eyes starting to feel heavy, when he comes across something. A sentence that somehow has the ends of Mark's mouth twitching upwards, as a playful glint settles in Mark's eye.

He's made his decision.

He's pulled out of his thoughts by the office door opening and Mr Barrett and his father stepping back in, talking loudly.

"Mark, have you had a chance to read through?" Mr Barrett enquires as he settles back down into his chair, hands clasping in front of him.

Mark nods before locating the ballpoint pen laid out for him on the desk, "Yes, I'm going to sign"

Mark's father gives him a firm pat on the back as Mr Barrett smiles widely, repeating about how he's happy that Mark came to the outcome that he did, and with both gentlemen watching him closely, Mark signs the official documents.

The meeting comes to a close with Mark and his father thanking the coach profusely, who also thanks them back, "It's my pleasure", Mr Barrett announces, as the three of them walk to the door, "I look forward to seeing you on our court next season"

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