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"Mr Lee, it's so good to finally meet you, I hope your journey wasn't a long one" The man across from the desk looks straight at Mark, and yet his father feels the need to address the situation himself.

"He was too excited to even notice" Mr Lee answers, adding on a short laugh at the end.

The man nods, a smile spreading onto his face as he straightens out the documents on his desk, "I'm Rowan Barrett, the general manager for the team- myself and a colleague were actually the ones who made a personal request for you. We had heard of your team making the feats that they had and we had to check it out for ourselves, and I'm glad we did"

Mark bows his head in respect, "Thank you".

Mr Barrett slides forward a document so that it's in-front of Mark, "Your father has already looked over this document but we thought it best if you have a look now.."

we thought it best? Mark scoffs to himself- if it was down to his father, he would've signed the papers already for Mark.

"Actually I did have a couple of enquires if that's okay.." Mark can feel his father stiffen next to him, and he tries not to take much notice of it.

Mr Barrett hums as he throws his arms open, "Of course, of course, ask away"

"Oh okay.." Mark recalls a couple of questions he'd had about their rumoured formation and drill techniques, absolutely enamoured by the answers he was receiving. Mr Barrett seems rather entertained also, as he listened carefully to what Mark was asking and how he was asking it. Noting that not many players would ever ask such questions.

After a few minutes of back and forth questions, Mr Lee clears his throat and moves one of the pens off Mr Barrett's desk to Mark, "Well if that's all—" 

"Actually, there's just one thing" Mark pipes up to which Mr Barrett gladly gestures for him to continue, "In here it states that training will commence in a few weeks.."

The manager nods, "Yes that's right, we start a little earlier than most- the first couple of sessions will just be to see how you all come together in regards to your different styles of play, and to also get to know the people you're hopefully going to be spending the rest of your sports career with", Mr Barrett notices Mark's face drop, "Would this be a problem?"

Mark smiles apologetically, "It's just that I've planned to go to Seoul with my boyfriend for some time after my graduation"

Mark ignores his father's mutterings and instead focuses on Mr Barrett's reaction, especially as he emphasised the 'boyfriend' point. It takes a moment before the man seems to process the news, however as soon as he does, there's another smile on his face, "Seoul huh, that's quite a way"

Mark hums, "Meeting the parents and all that"

Mr Barrett chuckles at Mark's tone, before he leans forward in his seat, clasping his hands on the desk, "I'm sure that'll be no problem, it's  probably a good idea to get in a break before you start the training, even if it is with the in-laws" He jokes, and Mark feels a weight lift off his shoulders.

The meeting draws on and talks about the logistical things quickly comes to a close as Mr Barrett corrects the training dates in Mark's personal contract.

Everything seems to be running smoothly and Mark finds no faults in the contract offered to him, everything seems almost too good to be true.

"Right, well I'll give you a couple of minutes to read the clauses and sign" Mr Barrett stands up from his desk and he gestures to Mark's dad, "Mr Lee our head coach, Nick, is in today, would you want a word?"

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