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Donghyuck gradually stirs awake to the gorgeous feeling of a hand gently carding it's way through his hair and another placed softly on his bare waist, courtesy of his pyjama shirt riding up.

"Mm, morning sunshine~" Mark whispers lowly, tiredness laced into his tone as he drops a lazy kiss to Donghyuck's exposed neck.

Donghyuck makes a sound of contentment at the back of his throat as he retreats further into Mark's chest, practically purring at how the older pulls Donghyuck flush against his body, tightening the arms he's encircled around his boyfriend.

"Morning Markie.." Donghyuck trails off with a small yawn as he finishes the greeting, which has Mark chuckling faintly into Donghyuck's hair, "Any plans for today?"

Mark's hand from where it was resting soundly on Donghyuck's waist, ventures a little further up Donghyuck's body- stopping at his shoulder blade, before it runs back down the younger's warm, honey skin, returning to its original place, "I just wanna spend all day with you, right here"

Donghyuck closes his eyes in bliss at the feeling of Mark's hand roaming his body innocently, "Sounds like a plan", he muses, placing a hand over where Mark's was on his stomach.

The older intertwines their hands, his thumb rubbing fondly against Donghyuck hand, "You have no idea how much I love you like this", he murmurs, breathing in the scent of the hotel's shampoo that characterises Donghyuck's hair.

Donghyuck brings their clasped hands up to his lips, kissing softly, "Then stay..."

The younger reluctantly shuffles away from Mark so that he can lie flat on his back, looking up into his boyfriend's eyes which are oh so lovingly trained on him, "Stay with me, like this, forever"

Feeling the physical pull of everything Donghyuck is, Mark moves so that he's above Donghyuck, arms bracketing him in. Mark doesn't verbally respond to the request, he can't find the right words in him too, so instead he takes one of his hands and traces over Donghyuck's facial features, keeping his eyes locked with his boyfriends.

He gently touches Donghyuck's forehead, and with a feather light touch he drags his first finger down the slope of Donghyuck's nose, catching on his boyfriend's lip, before his thumb is brushing over Donghyuck's soft cheeks.

Mark's face dips down, his lips brushing the shell of Donghyuck's ear, "Hey, there's something I need to tell you.."

Donghyuck nods his head slightly, letting Mark know to continue speaking, "Ive been offered a contract... with Canada's national team"

And when Donghyuck gasps, Mark isn't sure if it's to do with the news or the way his teeth grazed Donghyuck's earlobe, his hands holding the model's body down against the mattress.

"I'm meeting with them tomorrow.."

Donghyuck makes a sound in the back of his throat before he manages to find his voice, "And is this what you really want? To play basketball professionally?"

Mark rests his forehead against Donghyuck's,
drawing in a deep breath, "There's so much that I want", he admits, "There's so much that I haven't tried yet... but I keep thinking, 'could I forgive myself if I let this opportunity pass..?', from everything that my parents are saying..."

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