"Shut up~" Renjun whines, resting his head onto the table as Jaemin laughs at his red ears.
Once Renjun composes himself, he lifts his head off the table, eyes locking with Jaemin's, "Do not to tell anyone, you got that?"

Jaemin does the boys scout gesture, "Promise", but the look in his eyes makes Renjun think differently, god, why was he so weak when it came to Na Jaemin...?


"Morning mother, father"

Mark moves from the front entrance into the living room where his parents are sat waiting for him- his fathers suitcase by his feet.

"You're leaving again?" He questions and his father gestures for him to sit down.

"Business in the East, a couple of weeks maximum" He answers courtly and Mark concludes that there's really no point in asking for any more details, "Mark, I don't say this very often... but I'm proud of you"

Both Mark and his mother turn to look at Mr Lee, eyes wide in surprise, "You did it, you're going to be signed to Canada's national team- you could be an Olympic player, all that training and discipline payed off"

To say that Mark was caught off guard would be an understatement, hearing such words from his father had him floundering, "I- Thank you"

"Which is why I want to meet with them as soon as possible, get all this official so that we can celebrate- it'll have to be when I get back, but we could go to that little place where the Kangs' invited us, you know, that one time- why don't we call them?"

At this Mark's smile faltered.

It'll have to be when I get back.

No matter how proud Mr Lee was of Mark, he was always a second priority to his fathers work.

Why don't we call the Kangs?

Even with a boyfriend, Mr Lee is still trying to convince Mark that Mina would be a better match- a business partner posing as a wife.

"It's fine, we don't have to celebrate" Mark announces to which his mother frowns

"Mark, you've been working so hard lately and you've finally achieved your dream, it's only right to celebrate-"

Mark sighs weakly, "I'm honoured that they want to sign me... but I'm still undecided.."

"Undecided?!" His father roars, and if possible the atmosphere of the room grows even more suffocating, "Don't tell me you're still on about this music nonsense?"

"It's not nonesense!" Mark fights back but his father only cuts him off

"I thought you'd grown up, Minhyung, I thought you'd finally gotten your head out of the clouds-"

"My head is not-"

"I knew bringing that boy over here before your final game was going to be a problem-"

"This is not Donghyuck's decision, it's mine!"

"Boys!" Mark's mother calls, easing both of them back down onto their seats, "Let's... Lets just calm down and think about this rationally okay?"

Mark's father grimaces as he catches Mark's gaze, his next words sharp, "I have told you this before, you will sign with Canada national, and that's the end of that"

Mark grits his teeth, as he rises from his seat once more, "Thats not your decision to make", he spits before turning on his heel and stalking towards the door.

"Mark, honey", his mother calls after him, standing up from her chair, "where are you off to?"

"I have a date with my boyfriend" He answers, watching as his father's face grows redder, "Don't wait up, I'll be staying over at his"

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