Dinner Belle

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So how do you like her name? Please Please Please COMMENT I'm Dying To Hear Some Feed-Back!!!

This chapter is totally dedicated to permanently_scarred, who is also my best friend, because she actually comments on almost all of my chapters!


If you want to be recognized then please start commenting, just don't go back in the book and fill up the comments with meaningless glib <~(don't know what this means, look it up , cuz I know what it means [mawhaha])

-Lily (>•_•>)COMMENT VOTE FAN (I mean it)

Part 6: "Dinner Belle"...

Part 6

I flashed my guests a smile.

"So now that I know you guys, and you guys know me, I'll show you where your going to be sleeping."

They all looked grateful, and I led them back into the house with a smile on my face.


After having their luggage carried up the stairs from the side room in the main floor, and put on the second landing, they started to pick which rooms they wanted.

Of course there was a lot of room switching, with it ending up that the girls got the only rooms with adjoining bathrooms.

It was fine by me that the boys were forced to share the one bathroom on the floor, they weren't as high maintenance as girls. Plus us girls didn't want to find the toilet seat up every time that we went in to fix our make up.

When everyone was settled, it was around dinner time and Mom still hadn't come home, so I took it upon myself to cook us dinner. It looked like we were going to have lasagna tonight.

Popping two Stouffer lasagna's into the oven, I set the timer to go off. Turning towards the rest of the kitchen, I saw Eli cutting up vegetables that he had found somewhere and Krisi getting plates and glasses from the cabinet then heading for the dining room. Lexi trailing behind carrying eating utensils. Ricky was searching through the fridge, looking for god knows what. And Toby stood over a wok, into which Eli threw the vegetables he had been cutting up.

It was amazing they were all working and I didn't have to ask them. Feeling like I wasn't contributing anything I turned back to the oven to stare at the baking Stouffer's, not knowing what to do.

I had just zoned out when I felt something behind me. It was Lexi, smiling.


"Hello." I looked at her questioningly.

"I'm Lexi or Alexia, I like you better if you call me Lexi though, but you already knew that. Well anyways I just wanted to know if there was anything I could do to help out with dinner?"

She was natually pretty with only minimal make up and only a dab of lip gloss. Her hair was shiny with streaks of red in her sheet of stick straight black hair. I noticed when she swept her hair back that her ears were adorned with piercings. But what was most notable about her was the fact that she had electric blue eyes.

"Uh... Nothing really. I think that basically all of the things I wasn't going to do are done." I laughed at myself.

"I know what you mean everyone jumps in and just starts... working. I like to let them and try to stay out of their way, otherwise who knows what might happen to us!" She leaned up against the counter next to me and crossed her arms.

"So I take it that you'd rather just eat a simple meal nothing fancy?"

"Yup. Simple and easy, from a freezer if its a choice."

"I can tell we're going to get along famously!" And I meant it.

We started to talk and found that we both loved superhero films, chocolate anything, and Taylor Swift. Lexi seemed like she was sorta punk rock on the outside but once we go talking she let her inner nerd out.

By the time that we were done talking the oven beeped letting me know that the food was done. I pulled it out, getting blasted in the face with hot air as I did so. 'Thanks I needed a blow dryer right now', I thought sarcastically.

I put the dinner down to cool on the counter top. Noticing as I did so that the kitchen was surprisingly empty, other than Lexi, and Toby who was still standing over the wok.

"Where'd everyone go?"

"Out to the dining room I presume." It was Toby that spoke, but he continued to stare intently at the wok.

I walked up behind him and started to reach around to turn off the heat since I smelt the greens being overly, over cooked. He stood and I heard the hiss of his breath rushing past his lips, I laughed on the inside.

"Don't Rose." He didn't speak harshly, only instead of harshness there was a husky tone in his whisper. Hmm... that I might want to save that piece of intel for later. Wait what was I just thinking! No, no way do I like Toby, for Gods sake I've only known the boy for a day! And he couldn't possibly like me either, right?

"I think that your wok skills ain't workin' buddy." He just looked at me funny then shook his head and turned towards Lexi.

"Can you grab the blue bowls please, Lexi?" His voice back to normal.

I turned on my heel and flounced out, hearing what I thought was a slight chuckle behind me. But it was covered up by the sound of the bowls clinking together, as Lexi pulled them out of the cupboard.

A/N: ok so A) not one of my best chapters but like I said I had severe writers block so I put up a chappie that sorta showed the family off.

B)I know that Rosemary is coming off as a little snotty, she isn't. You must remember that shes meeting new people that have been plopped into her life, and she doesn't exactly know what to do. So no Rose is not a rich snob just a rich shy person.


~Lily (~•-•~)

PS: I've uploaded a new story, "Something Worthwhile" so you should check it out

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